Sep 20, 2004 18:52
So yeah, it's been a little while since I've updated. It's only because I spend the whole time preparing for THIS wonderful entry. HA! Just kidding.
Yesterday I went on this amazing date. I think I told the story behind it in an earlier entry, about how he works with my mom and when I went to visit I guess I really made an impression on him or whatever. Yeah yeah, I remember typing all this. I was home this weekend, and he asked if I wanted to go out on Sunday (yesterday) and I was like "YES", hehe :) So he picked me up at 2, and we drove around, stopped for some ice cream and sat and made fun of the golfers (we're just bitter because we can't do anything). Then we drove around some more...three hours. Yeah. Then we stopped to eat at Applebees, then we went back to my house. He works with my mom so he came in and said hi and we all talked for a while, then we played with my dogs, and he gave me a hug and left. He's seriously the nicest guy I've ever met. He's such a sweetie, and he's so cute and shy. He's not really shy with me, but my mom told me he's shy at work and he told me himself that he's shy around a lot of people, which definitely isn't a bad thing at all. I think it's wicked adorable. He's fun and he's sweet and he has these fucking AMAZING blue eyes and for some reason he really likes me. He already called me today, the DAY AFTER our date. Isn't there like a 3 day rule or something? YEAH. AMAZING. I'm so on cloud 9. :) And I feel like I'm 13 right now, but I never, ever date. I usually just get drunk and hook up with sleaze-balls at parties. RED SOX TIME! GOODBYE!