Mar 29, 2009 00:31
My new goal in life is to truly not over-think things and let everything happen "organically." I'm ready for things to just fall into place where they need to.
My mother is actually trying to help me find an apartment to live in with Brian Kelly.
My baby cousin is here. She is nearly three and is the smartest child I've ever met, not to mention the most beautiful (ok, so I'm slightly biased). I am laying in bed with my snoring Jersey. My nail polish has hardly chipped since I put in on seven hours ago. This is a record for me.
I'm just going to stop putting so much stress into my life. I took an online stress evaluator which says, no surprise here - that I am living at a high stress level. Here's to hoping I can alleviate some of it. I know summer will help with that.
Taking every day as it comes seems like a good plan.