Nov 27, 2004 15:50
i hate english projects
english should die! me, gina and leigha are working together and this project is soo dumb and me and gina both forgot our blue books which it is in and leigha had a v-ball tourny today so we wasted the whole day at my house and then hers cause we thought that gina had it at her house and she didnt and we tried doing it this morning at my house and then we realized we didnt have the damn book so gina thought she might have it at home so i went to her house at about 1 and she said she looked for it and didnt have it so my mom wasnt coming back for an hour and leigha was still at the tourny and now we spent all that time wasted cause we didnt have the stupid book. we tried calling everyone but no one has it or they are not home cause of the tourny and the only person that had it was amanda and we thought she could just read us the directions, but noooooo stupid retard project has to have a freakin THREE page article with it too that we cant do anything without it and amanda didnt know how to use her scanner so now leigha better have the blue book and she better be able to work tomorrow with us or else we are screwed!
omg hahaha ..i just tried to call my voicemail haha cause i'm bored and wanted to know what it sounded like.. it rang a few times and then some girl answered and was like "hello?" so i quickly hung up thinking i had the wrong number hahaha and i called back and i knew it was the right number this time and it was the same voice saying "hello?" and then it paused and said "i'm not here right now, please leave a message" or something and i totally forgot that thats what my voicemail was haha so i even fooled myself! like that message was suppost to fool ppl that call so that they start talking to me and then it'd be like i'm not here right now.. yeah i'm retarded :P
if you just read all of that..bless your little heart :) hahaa