It's been a bit... Things have been crazy, especially with the holidays coming up!! Time is going by so quick, it's crazy!! It's weird to think that I hve now been at supercuts for a year now and Dono and I have almost been together for a year... It will be a year since the first time I noticed him in a couple if weeks! It blows my mind how quick time flies!! So let's give an update on what's been going on in my life besides work.....
I have been approved for a house! Dono and I have been looking for the past month, and it's so much more stressful than I thought it would be, but I know it's out there, the perfect house for us so I keep my hopes up!
On another note, work has been driving me absolutely crazy, the only two things that save me are KC and Amy, they keep me sane.
I've been reflecting on myself lately and I've realized I have come a long way in the last couple of years. I have really grown as an individual and I have started establishing who I am and who I want to be. I can honestly say I never thought I would make it this far with all the bullshit I've been through. I've also learned to acecpt certain things, situations and people in my life because there is absolutely nothing I can do about them and it really has shown me how big of a person I truely am and how mature I have become in my old age of 23. Also It makes me realize that everyone is put in your life for a reason and even though we may not figure out those reasons for a bit, it will all eventually play out how it is supposed to and those reasons will become apparent and I have learned to come to terms with that. I am truely proud of myself! :-)
That is all
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