May 30, 2004 04:40
WeStSiDePiMp2488: rye
NbKRyAnNbk: hawhat
Auto response from NbKRyAnNbk: my tooth hurts like no other fcuk this shit findin some medicine
WeStSiDePiMp2488: pimp
NbKRyAnNbk: iams fos drunk
WeStSiDePiMp2488: i can tell man
WeStSiDePiMp2488: i like youtr away mesage
NbKRyAnNbk: duea im gone
WeStSiDePiMp2488: Auto response from NbKRyAnNbk: tiema for a a shwioer
WeStSiDePiMp2488: shits got me rollin
WeStSiDePiMp2488: im like kates ddi he drink with you?
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lol
NbKRyAnNbk: ih nnab'
NbKRyAnNbk: i driank
NbKRyAnNbk: a 5tg
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lol
WeStSiDePiMp2488: how much and what?
NbKRyAnNbk: 5thg of povpov goodka
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lmao
WeStSiDePiMp2488: goodka
WeStSiDePiMp2488: haha
WeStSiDePiMp2488: your fuckin gone bro
WeStSiDePiMp2488: here i got an idea tell me a story while your drunk it will be great
NbKRyAnNbk: oha god
NbKRyAnNbk: dont get me stateed
WeStSiDePiMp2488: please rye tell a story
WeStSiDePiMp2488: ddi you steal a goose?
NbKRyAnNbk: uimf resh iu
NbKRyAnNbk: bit tiday
WeStSiDePiMp2488: what are you doin tomorrow ryan?
NbKRyAnNbk: i doant nnow wher eim at
WeStSiDePiMp2488: you dont know where your at?
NbKRyAnNbk: yeah ia mnkow wher eiam at
WeStSiDePiMp2488: dude we need to get real fucked up when we go to nashville
NbKRyAnNbk: fucka yeah udede
WeStSiDePiMp2488: like i wanna take 2 pints with me
NbKRyAnNbk: i dranka a a a 5th 2 nigatha nigga
WeStSiDePiMp2488: you should go stick handle
NbKRyAnNbk: dyde a'
NbKRyAnNbk: i willlllla
WeStSiDePiMp2488: or play nhl 2004
NbKRyAnNbk: iall fuickin stick handkle a d fuckings amsei dude
WeStSiDePiMp2488: hell go up to the park ill bring a spot light and a net we can shoot around
NbKRyAnNbk: daude
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lol
NbKRyAnNbk: i aull fuckaing score all da ya dude
WeStSiDePiMp2488: i kno drunk or not
NbKRyAnNbk: duga i m ready o go oi can raun a track meet
WeStSiDePiMp2488: or cross country
NbKRyAnNbk: i can go toa fasucking cali no rpolbme dude fuck asclai ill go to fucking eurpe
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lmfao
NbKRyAnNbk: caroline motha yee evebn tho
WeStSiDePiMp2488: no dude no cross sountry
WeStSiDePiMp2488: its like track but 3 miles long
NbKRyAnNbk: fuck crsos country bucnha cqueers runnin tha tsheet
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lmao
NbKRyAnNbk: peace uoa t town motha fucak
WeStSiDePiMp2488: raise up
WeStSiDePiMp2488: take your shirt off
NbKRyAnNbk: my hrits fooff dude
WeStSiDePiMp2488: twist it around your hand like a helicopter
NbKRyAnNbk: fguack yea
NbKRyAnNbk: hget hype nigga
WeStSiDePiMp2488: so your fucked up arent you man
NbKRyAnNbk: ba dude
NbKRyAnNbk: <---dontd rink
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lmao
WeStSiDePiMp2488: we gotta go beat semis for fun sometime?
WeStSiDePiMp2488: ya kno
NbKRyAnNbk: dyudea u do kjbow
WeStSiDePiMp2488: ake a shit on brandons hood
NbKRyAnNbk: fuycj those over size bitches
WeStSiDePiMp2488: were juggalos we dont all our girls are hoes we always wear the nasty dirty clothes un nigga yeah shits hype
WeStSiDePiMp2488: rreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemix
NbKRyAnNbk: yh huh
WeStSiDePiMp2488: r.kelly, nick cannon giggalo remix nig
NbKRyAnNbk: west suide bug
NbKRyAnNbk: its an tot workin
WeStSiDePiMp2488: you liek munchies nig?
NbKRyAnNbk: for sua re dude i lvoes those thingas
WeStSiDePiMp2488: how come you love munchies?
NbKRyAnNbk: dudea
NbKRyAnNbk: it ryhmes with lunchies
NbKRyAnNbk: omga
WeStSiDePiMp2488: and lunchies is what?
NbKRyAnNbk: my afavorite tiema t o ea
NbKRyAnNbk: t
WeStSiDePiMp2488: good call man
WeStSiDePiMp2488: what party you go to?
NbKRyAnNbk: pratyas dont start tisll i walk in
WeStSiDePiMp2488: oh for sure
WeStSiDePiMp2488: your the life of every party
NbKRyAnNbk: abi diybt
NbKRyAnNbk: hikd aib
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lol you speak aribic now?
NbKRyAnNbk: nao
NbKRyAnNbk: fuck arbas
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lmao
WeStSiDePiMp2488: you speak jewish now?
NbKRyAnNbk: fucka jes
WeStSiDePiMp2488: **jew
WeStSiDePiMp2488: do you speak mexican?
NbKRyAnNbk: fucka those spics dudes
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lmao thasts the only sentence you got out clearly was fuck spiks
WeStSiDePiMp2488: thats awesome
NbKRyAnNbk: fucsk pspics dude
NbKRyAnNbk: they at ake are jobs ns hit
WeStSiDePiMp2488: true
WeStSiDePiMp2488: fuck semis too runnin over our cars so we have to spend more money and lower econemy
NbKRyAnNbk: ah of rusre
WeStSiDePiMp2488: i hate semis lets put a ban on semis
WeStSiDePiMp2488: forever
NbKRyAnNbk: i losyu a my headphones
WeStSiDePiMp2488: and slash they tires and shit
WeStSiDePiMp2488: you lost or love theM?
NbKRyAnNbk: losta
WeStSiDePiMp2488: ok
WeStSiDePiMp2488: wheres your dog that thinks hes huge when hes the size of my shoe
NbKRyAnNbk: i daont know
WeStSiDePiMp2488: i hope you didnt lose him
NbKRyAnNbk: bag dude
NbKRyAnNbk: i gcoulsnt lose him
NbKRyAnNbk: hes my lil bro
NbKRyAnNbk: uyu sbeezes
NbKRyAnNbk: i sneezed
NbKRyAnNbk: i snseezed agan
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lol
NbKRyAnNbk: i just pinched myself
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lol
NbKRyAnNbk: u hyst oycbged nytsekf ub tgeh eye
WeStSiDePiMp2488: true
NbKRyAnNbk: ys know
NbKRyAnNbk: i just pincehd mysylf tin th eye
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lmao
NbKRyAnNbk: punched
WeStSiDePiMp2488: you pinched yourself in the eye
WeStSiDePiMp2488: **punched
NbKRyAnNbk: nayvbe
NbKRyAnNbk: i dubbi
WeStSiDePiMp2488: why i understand this shit is beyond me
NbKRyAnNbk: you know ebdoncics
WeStSiDePiMp2488: ya that nigger lanuage
NbKRyAnNbk: oh f 3hs o
NbKRyAnNbk: fyuun yt hing is
NbKRyAnNbk: i wiont remember an of ths tommarow
WeStSiDePiMp2488: ima save this convo forsure
WeStSiDePiMp2488: mayB post in in my lj
NbKRyAnNbk: buat
NbKRyAnNbk: iam going to bed
NbKRyAnNbk: good night
NbKRyAnNbk: aoooooooooookay
WeStSiDePiMp2488: night pimp
NbKRyAnNbk: aigh tudd
NbKRyAnNbk: ewhats your lj?
WeStSiDePiMp2488: keep it gangsta
WeStSiDePiMp2488: live journal
NbKRyAnNbk: yeah
NbKRyAnNbk: gimme the ip thnuigay
NbKRyAnNbk: so ic an get there
WeStSiDePiMp2488: the link?
NbKRyAnNbk: u dont know
NbKRyAnNbk: im updatin
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lol right now?
NbKRyAnNbk: i updated
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lmao tight
NbKRyAnNbk: i left a comment in yours
WeStSiDePiMp2488: thnk
NbKRyAnNbk: aima going to bed
NbKRyAnNbk: ggggggggg g nighgt
WeStSiDePiMp2488: peace nig
WeStSiDePiMp2488: keep it real
NbKRyAnNbk: nah aude
NbKRyAnNbk: keep it gangsta
WeStSiDePiMp2488: dont hit the leopaerd sheets too hard they might mite
WeStSiDePiMp2488: **bite
NbKRyAnNbk: fuckj elopar
NbKRyAnNbk: dsill iwill make aj cket outta them
WeStSiDePiMp2488: lol do it