Gijon PTII

Aug 11, 2010 22:14

Finally found some time to type up more and share some of my photos. Before leaving to Mera Luna festival I bought a little notebook, so I wrote a lot down while sitting on the train for 7 hours.

First I'll write the aftershow story for Gijon, with some pics of my stay in this lovely town.

After the show I went to the place where I had seen the busses again, and met a nice couple who were just hanging out. They were very curious about where I'd been to see Placebo play and if I know them personally and such. Nick walked by, and I called his name, but he immediatly disappeared into the bus. Later he passed by again, and this time he saw me. I could  swear he said "hey love" *dead* I asked him for (again) for a picture. But yeh with a wall between us.. kinda difficult. Meh. Later Stefan came out, walking by, and I asked him about Stevie. Stefan said he was still inside and would probably come out soon. A bit later he went back inside again.
In the meantime, the guy of the couple had done a round around the venue, on his skateboard and when he came back he was all excited cause he'd seen the band sitting in some room. So me and his girlfriend went with him and yes, there they were, Brian, Bill and Fiona sitting and chatting. Brain again on his flip-flops, with his little hat, and smoking. A bit later they all got up to leave, so I ran back to the busses, just in time to catch them come out. Stevie on his flip-flops and a guitar in his hands. They all went off into the bus. Me and some girls had made it to the busses just when they disappeared into it. The security had left and the gates were still open.... The girls all screamed for Brian to come back out of the bus to take pictures with them... uh yeh, as if. I just sat there on this thingy in the wall of the building, with my knees almost against the front of the bus. Just when the chaffeur was getting inside, I noticed Stevie sitting in the front! So I got up and said hi to him. Just when he asked me how I was doing the chaffeur closed the door behind himself, so I wasn't able to answer the question :( Stevie and I both lifted our shoulders as if saying "aww too bad" that was kinda sweet. The bus backed up from the parking and that's when the other girls noticed Stevie and started screaming to him.. ugh. I decided to just smile and wave, and take one picture. I chose the right moment, cause he just made a heart with his hands. <3
Then they were gone and I started looking for my friends. We went back to our fancy hotel, had a quick shower and fell asleep. The next morning we took the bus to the airport and boarded the plane to Madrid, where we'd both switch to planes to home. Me to Amsterdam, she to Munich.

Fancy hotel

Inside fancy hotel


venue at 7pm-ish

beach morning after

On the way back home. Clouds hanging in the sky like cotton .. thingies.

PS: if you ever go to Spain, visit Léon. Nearby (I think..) there's this absolutely stunning lake, that you have to see.
I have no clue what it's called or where it exactly is, but there was this infothing saying Léon, so yeh, that's all I know.
It's enormous, so didn't fit into one photo:

gig stories, tour

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