May 28, 2007 18:46
Hey hey hey!!
Just a quick update coz Martin is at work right now and I am DETERMINED to write at least 3 letters while he's out, and I have Wife Swap and Bring Back Dallas to distract me soon! eeeek!!!
I'm still WAY behind with mail...I have like 16 to reply to. Its ridiculous!
I did two shifts at Somerfield last week....its ridiculously easy, I like it there.
I did my first shift at Primark yesterday...I did an 8 hour day. It was VERY hard going, busy and tiring. I worked on the tills...which was easy enough, I picked it up right away. But its just tiring with how busy it gets and standing up all day. I`m not used to that!
I did my induction with 8 other that was good. A lot of them were school girls, but I spent most of the day with a Spanish girl called Cristina...she was 26 and REALLY lovely, but shes only doing weekends...And a girl called Wendy who's around my age, she's doing weekday shifts like me so I'll probably see her a lot. We're hoping we'll be on the same departments together next week coz we're working the same times. There was also an Egyptian guy called Waljit who came to sit with me and Wendy at lunch, he was really sweet.
Unfortunately...the two jobs DONT work around each other like I hoped. =-/
So I have to decide which one to keep.
Somerfield is 10 mins walk from the apartment, its 16 hours a week with some overtime available, and its REALLY easy. It pays £5.35 p/h and I get 10% discount there, and 20% discount at Peacocks clothes store. The staff are mostly a LOT older than me, but nice people.
Primark is 25 mins walk from the apartment, 20 hours a week with a LOT of overtime available (they've offered me 32 hours next week), its a lot harder and more tiring. It pays £5.62 p/h and doesnt offer any discount. The staff are almost all around my age, and just from one day I`ve already got to know a few of them and they're really nice.
I'm confused, I dont know which to choose =-/ Any advice?!
Anyway! Today has been a quiet day...we stayed up talking last night until 4 am, just talking about all kindsa crap! Movies, news, etc! We're random like that!
So today we slept in until 1.30! I made a nice dinner....pork chops with melted cheese, hasselback potatoes with red onion and garlic, and cheese & garlic stuffed mushroom. It was yummy!!!
I think tomorrow we're going to see Pirates 3...and I need to call to Primark and buy some new work clothes and shoes.
Well, thats all my news! Hope everybody is well! =D
bank holiday weekend,