Absolutely everything is new with Doctor Who and I love it, to be fair I had already decided I loved Matt Smith when I saw the clip from Vampires of Venice on Jonathan Ross - he seemed like my kind of Doctor then and by about 5 minutes into this episode I was bouncing up and down on my chair with glee.
Not everything was perfect - I'm not all that sure about the new theme tune and the plot was a bit thin and the eyeball aliens were more weird than scary but really they are all minor quibbles especially when I think about how much joy the episode as a whole gave me.
The whole wonderful idea of the TARDIS turning up in your back garden in the middle of the night and going to investigate with your torch - proper perfect childhood stuff. And I loved the scene with the strange, bossy alien demanding food and spitting it out and eventually eating fish finger custard.
I loved little Amelia and big Amy. I find it quite interesting that she has a job where she plays dress up all the time. It was brilliant that she hit him with a cricket bat probably because after all this time she has convinced herself that he couldn't be real and bam there he is. Basically Amy is fantastic and fierce and has wonderful facial expressions, I think she will be an interesting companion.
I like the look of the series, it seems quite hyper-real in some ways I don't I think I had noticed Doctor Who being particularly beautifully shot before. There was that fantastic scene where she trapped his tie in the door and he shows her the apple - it was beautiful with the lens flare.
And the Doctor himself? He is already a favourite, I like that he is bossy and there is something that is very boyish about him one minute and then not the next, I like that he seems to have too many limbs and that he might capsize at any moment. There is something very mischievous about him and when he came back for Amy at the end, I thought it was interesting that there seemed something a bit off when she asked why he wanted her there. BASICALLY AMAZING AMAZING.
"I'm the Doctor. Do everything I tell you, don't ask stupid questions and don't wander off."
I also watched Ashes to Ashes and remember that I thought it was amazing but not much other than that, my head is too taken up with Doctor Who. Oh I loved the scene with Gene and Alex in the garage when they went to get the Quattro. I am not sure how they manage to keep up such a level of smouldering sexual tension, it must be tiring. Also I find that the D and C guy so incredibly creepy.