Oct 28, 2009 20:51
It seems to have been a while since I last updated this, I always mean to do
it even though what I have got to say is usually the oppostite of
interesting and while I have been quite busy this month I have also spent
quite a lot of time on tumblr possibly
becuase it is easier than trying to think of things to say. Funnily enough I
never really run out of things to say in real life.
In most recent news I am annoyed because they have not paid my overtime at
work and infact seem to have taken that amount off me, and I won't get that
back until next month. This is making me have a heavy grumpy face. Apart
from this and being unfathomably tired, I have had a good week mostly
because so far every day this week when I get home Andy has got me a
present. On monday it was the new Annie album (which is amazing and I have
been dancing like crazy to), Tuesday I got the Pet Shop Boys - Actually and
Today I am getting face paint for my Hallowe'en costume it has been
fastastic and very much cheered me up. I am going as a rag doll for
Hallowe'en after much deliberation on what I can actually be that's good but
not impossible and does not involve me spending loads of money.
In slightly-less-recent news I went to Berlin at the start of the month and
had a fantastic time my long weekend away was excellent (apart from the bits
involving planes but I'll get to that later) I went for long walks and wore
autumnal clothes and went out dancing until the wee small hours and had lots
and lots of tea and crisps, it was lovely and lazy and all my favourite
things about a holiday. Andy and I are hopefully going to go back next year
in the spring, there is just something about Berlin that makes me love it.
BUT I now regard planes with something close to abject terror, I am not
exactly sure how this happened in the first place. I was scared flying home
from Ibiza earlier this year and I think that was because there were only
eight of us on a big massive plane and it seemed like the start of a bad
horror movie/proper scary episode of the X-Files.There was no reason to be
scared on this flight until there was turbulence while we were landing and
then I was trying to kid on when I was fine but I actually felt like I had
just gone on a rollercoaster of death. On the way back I was so streessed
out becuase something weird was going on with the trains and we had to get a
taxi to the airport that I was too busy being glad we had caught the plane
to worry until turbulence again. I was never scared of flying when I was wee
so why am I now? I am more scared of everything really from horror movies to
flying. Is it just my over active imagination? Or is it just getting older?
I'm only 25!