is that special timelord code for not alright at all?

Jun 12, 2008 11:14

I have woken up with a cold and I'm not happy about it, I had loads of weird dreams last night including a nightmare about being a professional football player, it was very odd.

I quite liked these episodes but I didn't love them, somehtings just felt a wee bit off with them.

things i liked:

- the vashta nerada,totally brilliant creepy idea for a monster.
- river song,surprisingly because i wasn't that keen on her at first but i endedup liking her esp when she punched the doctor in the end to scarificeherself. Someone sacrificing themselves in place of the doctor seemsto be a theme - NOBLE self sacrifice. (I am so worried they are goingto kill Donna)
- CAL smiling when she watches the Doctor escapeand hiding behind the sofa when something scary is happening was anice wee meta comment on kids watching the show itself.
- Donnatrying to hold on to her children even though she knows they are notreal and when the kids realize they aren't real and she promisesnever to close her eyes again and then the children disappear out ofthe beds - my heart broke
- Donna calling the Doctor on saying hewas always alright, they compliment each other so well.
- themanic way the Doctor was asking Donna if they should look at River'sdiary at the end
- oh and the snapping fingers things, it wascheesy but I liked it

things i didn't like

- spoilers,ok we get it spoilers are bad now stop saying that word itsannoying
- miss evanglista pretty and dumb, disfigured andbrilliant? hmm didn't like that at all
- everybody lives? no theydon't most people live and a few people end up being data ghosts in acomputer which is actually kind of creepy (at least to me) inconfidential Moffat described it as being something close to heavenand i suppose you should read it like that what with endless booksand human history to go throughout it creeps me out and i think thatsmaybe because its sort of forever.

fan...tastic, dr who, pop culture hussy, the science fiction

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