May 29, 2005 17:56
KBJDSGBJDSBSBJDVGNSVGNDSGVJGVSJVSJCAOSFAKFKLAF Ykno how bad I wanna do one of those wtf freak out lj entries?lol *slams head into wall* Or maybe like break down and start blubbering over random shit.Ok note to self:Find a cure for PMS.
Kirk tho...u just totally made my weekend for that u earn a gold star and a cookie.
So...umm last week.I dont really fukin care about updating about that so im gonna skip it.Nuthing really new to say anyways.Still hate school with an unadultered passion and work tires me but moneys money.
This weekend sucked.Again nuthin new there.The tourists seasoan has officialy begun.Ew.This town has that summer smell to it.How bothersome.
It was really effing hot the last couple of days.Can't go swimming tho cuz of my hair.Like I want everyone to see that.So really this is gonna be my summer:So fukin hot i wanna eat ice and only ice but I can't even go swimming cuz of my hair.God u are a cruel fuked up being.
One amusing thing I did this weekend...downloaded Material Girl by Madonna.See i relate to the song cuz im an aggrogant bitch.Well wen it comes to money that is.:P
Everyone I'm officialy crying for dumb reasons.
I should go do some cleaning.Cleaning always helps.
OK why do I always fuk myself over with assholes.FUK U PRICKS.
*hysterical manical laughter*
Ive cursed a lot in this entry.