Oct 30, 2004 21:55
well tonight was fun, lol. thea, matt, katie, kristen, danae, david, and I all went to the "psychopath" over at valley park. that thing was scary, okay. there were people coming at us with chainsaws. and there was this one part where we were on this bridge thing and I got knocked over and I thought I was like, gonna fall in a ditch or something..I pretty much pulled everyone down with me, lol. this spiderweb type stuff got wrapped around thea's neck and it was like a noose! lol fun times. I looove halloween. my 2nd favorite holiday, definitely.
while we were standing in line waiting, thea was talking to this guy in front of us, asking him if he wanted her sweatshirt (because she was burning up and didn't wanna hold it)..and he had no idea she was talking to him..it was sooo funny, lol. my stomach hurt so bad from laughing at her. I love thea, lol. we are so much alike that it's not even funny. I doubt that I ever meet anyone else in my whole life that is so much like me. anyway...
then matt, thea, and I went through taco bell real quick, then back to thea's for about 45 minutes. we watched some of sister act 1, lol. which I have never seen. then matty brought me home, and here I sit. being a music downloading fool. I think I have to go to church tomorrow, dag nabbit. that means I have to get up at like, 8:30. anyway.
game last night. 1.5 hour bus ride, fun stuff. BUT THE REAL FUN WAS DURING BAND CLASS WHEN I SAW THE FUNNIEST THING EVAAAAH! matt, uh...slipped and fell in a mud puddle while we were out on the field practicing the show. I didn't see him fall, but I looked over at him and he was just laying there...I completely lost it and started laughing and completely stopped playing, lol. so then..he was covered in mud. we went inside and it was like 3:05 so matt's like come on we're leaving so I can go change clothes. so we went in the office, told them what happened, and just left, lol. I never knew it was that easy. ok so here's the real funny part. we're in the parking lot, and matt's like "well I don't wanna get mud all over my car..." and next thing I know he's stripping down IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCHOOL PARKING LOT. he had handed me this poster that he wanted me to put in front of him after he took his pants off..funny thing is, I didn't know that was what he wanted me to do...so I started walking off and he's like "JAMIE GET BACK HERE!" lol so then we jumped in the car and like, peeled out of the parking lot, lol. I think I laughed for a good 5 minutes. it was the funniest situation I've experience for a loooong time.
I'm gonna go now, lol...this is a very lengthy update. a comment or two maybe? I shall love you forever. or at least as long as it takes me to read it.