Off to see the Wizard

Jan 27, 2005 23:52

So I'm in the bathroom fussing with my hair when I hear the phone ring.

Who the hell's calling me at THIS hour, espeically on a night like tonight? I snag it, it's a welcomed call nonetheless.

"Mike here--" It's Ted. How lucky I am to get a phone call? At least SOMEONE remembers to give me love.

My hands push back the falling strands of blonde hair, making a close nose of my hairline. Is it getting thinner, or is that just my imagination? What IS that--!? Don't tell me that's a white hair.

I freak and pull it anyway. Not like I need that there anyway.

"Vacation--? Keystone City?" Adjusting my hair to the dishelved way it was before hand, I grin. "Whoa, whoa-- You had me at vacation. Just let me get my swim trunks and we'll-- What? Snow?


Like that's stopped me before?

YEAH. You'll bring yours if you know what's good for you. Yeah-- you got it."

I don't even say goodbye before I hang up the phone. I'm excited.

HELL YES! I'm getting away from this joint and getting some action.

Walking past my floor length mirror I strike a pose, giving myself a wink. "Keystone'll love me."
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