Раньше Проктер приглашал на стажировки, теперь меняет свежие идеи на бутерброды.
We would like to invite you participate in "Toss up the idea!" competition from P&G, held during November, 2009
"Toss up the idea!" is a competition of case study solutions and its topic sounds as:
"Gillette market share in Ukraine is 87,6%. Imagine, that as a manager you were asked by Board of Directors to significantly raise earnings in the next year on 50%. Still, you need to consider that:
· Board of Directors is interested in cost savings rather than in expensive promo campaigns, so your budget for advertizing is limited
· Price increase in financial crisis times will not be a good solution - be creative and strategic"
Take a challenge from P&G top managers and suggest your solution till December 1, 2009 by sending it to
recukraine.im@pg.com .10 authors of the best ideas will get a unique opportunity to discuss the ideas and receive practical advices during the breakfast with UA Country Manager Aleksandr Rodionov in December!
Please, mark "Toss up the idea!" as a subject and add some personal information separately.
s here.