It's been a while huh?

Sep 27, 2005 12:02

Wow people, it's been like 6 months or more since I've updated this shit. I'm in brooklyn now. I'm enjoying myself. I just got a new job a as doorman on the weekend down by west broadway. Their are a lot of important people in my new building. Like the president of AOL. I'm rushing Adam's frat right now and am planning on pledging. The brothers are real cool. It should be a good time.

I've been so fucking busy lately, I really haven't had much time to just lay in my bed and fucking veg.

The Giants are 2-1 so far, better than I expected. But their defense just got shredded my Tomlinson. He literally just squated over the Giant's defense and took a huge steaming dump on their collective faces. Sorry to be so vulgar, but that is exactly what happened (not really).

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