.&. Name: Stephanie
.&. Age:16
.&. Gender:F
.&. Location:Tampa, FL
.&. Sexual Preference: Bi
.&. Status:Taken
.&. Describe yourself in 1 word: Energetic
.&. What makes you a bombshell?: hmm well If I make it into the community I could say this :)
.&. One song you'd consider your favorite:Dialated- Atreyu
.&. List your favorite movie [only ONE]: Heavy Wieghts, Ive seen this movie 1000 times and I stile find humor in it
.&. Name one celebrity you'd love to get your hands on" Gerard Way
.&. If you were given 3 wishes, what would you wish for? [you may not wish for more wishes.]my dog to get better, my brother to leave Iraq safe, and my boyfriends band to be successful
.&. Tell us something interesting about you: I wiggle my toes when Im happy, I dance in the shower ( and yes its made me have plenty of injuries but I continue to do it) Ive dyed my hair just about every color you can think of, and I could live off peanut butter
.&. Make us laugh [using a picture, a joke, it doesn't matter; be creative.]:
ya, you may not find it as funny as I did but I laughed for a good 10 minutes the first time I saw it
.&. How did you hear about us? [a username would be helpful]I was just looking at diff communites and ran into this one
.&. Promote this community in one place & show us the link:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/autumncrisis/479.html?view=1503#t1503.&. Now post at least 5 clear pictures of your face & one sized 150x150 for the member page [If you need help with this; just say which picture you'd like resized]:
Im sorry some of them are so bright, the light next to my web cam is realllyyy bright, and without it, its to dark..
I cant make a 150X150 at the moment so if its okie you guys could do it<3 and I dont care which pic