Oct 30, 2008 07:54
Now is it just me or are these Christians and Mormons going crazy over something that won't even directly affect them? Its not like, if it passes every gay man or woman is going to come knockin on their doors, making love. I mean, come on... Is it really worth all this time that they're putting into it?! And, not to the mention the amount of money, too.
Another thing, I get that in their religious beliefs it's wrong for man to marry man and woman to marry woman. But, fuck! Not everyone is Christian! Why are they trying to control the lives of those not even in the same church, who have very different beliefs.
When are we going to grow out of the dark ages? When are we going to have that real "freedom" that supposedly comes with America. If someone can't marry the person they love, that's definitely not freedom. In fact, that's persecution. And, I'm 100% sure that if Jesus were here today, he would agree that you need to love your neighbors. Even if they're gay-bors. Love them anyway!
Women vote and work.
Blacks vote and use the same bathrooms as anyone else.
A woman is running for Vice President. (Not even a worthy opponent for a candidate!)
And if they were to take all of that away from us today, imagine where our society would be today? It definitely wouldn't attract tourists, that's for sure. I mean, let's face it-- america lacks the most culture in all the world, anyway-- let's make it even more boring. That's the right move.
what is American culture, anyway? According to Little Miss Alaska... The "real" America doesn't even exist in the entire country. Its in those small towns in the Middle of the country. Where hate crimes and discrimination flourish. Where people hunt innocent animals for fun. Pff, if that's the idea of America she's trying to push into our minds, I'm out. Canada, here I come. Europe, take me in! Japan, I'm on my waay! Hahaha.
God, people can be so stupid. And ignorant. Open your minds, people!!! There is a larger spectrum out there than u are aware of!