Nov 16, 2004 18:59
Do you ever feel like everyone has let you down? No one has even done anything bad to me...Why does one week have to be so different from the rest? Last week was really good- i had energy and was busy. This week i have done like nothing and i'm so tired. It'll be okay i just need to ramble for a bit right now..cuz i'm in desperate need of some rest and rejuvination. Wouldn't it be great if every day were like the best day of our life? Man, why did you have to screw up Adam and Eve? haha. Again I say, I can't wait till heaven.
Its just that when nothing exciting happens for a while, I just get bored.
That's why i'm so excited to go to Indiana next week for thanks giving! My whole mom's side of the family is going to be there, and I haven't seen some of my cousins for like 5 years! Its gonna be funn i can't wait for Andrea to drive me around.
...It all comes to back to life being simple when you were little.. sure there were those times when i wanted to run away when i was little. But everyday was fun in its same routiness. Go to school, play with the neighbor kids, eat, have fun with the Fam., and sleep. hmmm...I look ahead and can't wait for the future, and look back and feel nostolgic of the past- why are the teenage years so hard?