Jul 06, 2005 22:53
slurpee's are love.
i'm about to go get me one.
i know you're jealous.
i'm kind of in the mood to play "HEY MISTER" with my dear friend cameron.
cameron, we definatly need to hang out soon, mmmmmmkay??!
and yeah, i needs me some ryan gAH-duh-nuh. <3
and some liz!! yess i needs me some liz.
and so MICHELLE inside of me. haha I LOVE YOU BEEEOTCH> so happy you passsed your test.
yeah. i'm really happy now.
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dude, i want to get all super skinny so i can become a salsa dancer and wear revealing clothes. w00t.
SARA GETS HOME TOMORROW!! ! OMG GmGMGMG i've never been so excited to see that hookerhead.