Sep 21, 2004 19:02
umm lets see school= boring! not much is new this weekend was glorious i guess lol..
low key but sometimes thats good.. on friday i hung out with anna derek and nick that was ehh.. n then on saturday umm i hung out with amanda! i lo9ve that girl we went to her aunts hosue and there we met up with katie meg molly jonny j chris justin eric peter aneez and lauren taht was kool..
jonny j got a kitten named wilson brought it to school monday its so darling! but my tinkerbell *peterpan* is cuter! haha umm yeah i needa learn a hand shake with aneez n kalyn i guess so that will be fun!
umm this weekend better kickass! Football game is on THURSDAY not friday!! wth ohh well now i can go to the game annnnd thhe dance ne one up for the game on thursday with me? cuz it will be niice! lol.. n then the dance on friday will be fun me n amanda are gunna dance it up!! yeyyy.. collected can tops for lt !!! my sister! hahah .. well nuthing else
chelcy k