No place like Kansas

Jan 28, 2005 01:38

Nothing on TV and nothing to eat because I can't eat anything worth eating. I might as well order a lobotomy. At least I wouldn't notice how absolutely crummy my life is.

Though I did just see this.

You know what that means! Keystone's up for grabs!

Sure, they left the gay guy in charge and he'll keep the place tidy, but he won't be able to stop crime all by himself. And that little Kid Flash won't be able to take care of himself.

Who are they going to send? Batman? The poor little Flash!

As a concerned member of the Justice League of America, it is my duty, nay, my priviledge to go and protect our fine state called Kansas in her hour of need.

Where the heck is Booster's number? We're going on vacation.
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