(no subject)

Mar 22, 2005 11:38

Booster's here and I'm still here. And we're both still in one piece. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

Anyway, so far it's been nice. A lot less joking about my alleged heart condition but still I think... Ah hell, I don't need an excuse or reason. He's coming with me when I get tested. I hate those exercise stress tests but it's that or getting beaten up by Babs.

However going alone with Michael seems like a bad plan. He'll press buttons when I'm on the treadmill or steal medical supplies or...well...eat hospital food. I don't want to be stressed during my stress test but I do want Baron von Clueless to be a little more on top of things.

I can't ask Babs. Dick just had his birthday and well, I bother her enough.

I'm not sure who is next on my list of people to bother in times of stress testing. I suppose Dinah. Ollie's got his idiot bad-guy to maim. Batman might but I'd be laughing the whole time. Part of the test is called the Bruce protocol. (Bwahaha.) Alfred's a butler and has enough to deal with.

Tim's a kid and I'm sure he has better things to do with his time. Or let's hope so anyway. I'm sure he'd do it if I asked but I'm not going to. Hm. Though I ought to call him at some point. He's a good kid. Very bright.

Superman has to save cats from trees, you know?

J'onn. Heh. I think I'll leave Gumby alone. He's had enough trauma recently and I just know Booster and I would drive me bananas.

And I could go through the rest of the Leaguers, but eh.

So Dinah's probably the best choice. I'll call her once I get Michael to go to the store for milk since we're going to be out of it very shortly once I spill this gallon all over the floor.
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