Nov 03, 2010 02:54
a friend brought up an interesting concept tonight... the concept of regret. Sure I know alot of people get drunk and do or say stupid things and regret them in the morning when reality sinks back in or they realize there's someone next to them and their like who the fuck is that? its human nature and the reality of what happens when alcohol is involved. But me, I like to think Im different. Sure ive done my fair share share of stupid moves and "shouldnt have said that" drunken texts. but when I look back on it, I am quite confident that I would have done or said the same thing a second time and therefore it is unworthy to be considered a regret.
so what is regret? to me its that painful ache in the center of your chest. i combination of dread, fear, and nausea. that sense of guilt.
i regret coming to UF
i regret joining tridelt
i regret falling lance
i regret meeting for moc
i regret believing people are naturally good
i regret not following my passion in theatre
i regret trying to be a microbiology major.
my ENTIRE life and the things i regret most in life all happened in the past 3 1/2 years.
not being a micro major would have allowed me to actually enjoy my college experience
not joining in tridelt would have allowed me to make friends i actually trusted and not stupid immature two-timing bitches
not falling for lance would have saved me 3 years of torturous heartache, scandal, betrayal and the ability to still believe in love.
not meeting mocerino would have left my life a happier place and would have saved me from the emotional attachment of the equivalent of black hole.
not coming to UF would overall have made my life better socially, academically, economically, emotionally, and mentally.
seriously, the only good things to have come out of the above regrets are my friendship with cooley and my friendship with heather. & my job at shands.
that. is. all.