(no subject)

Sep 06, 2004 02:00

These are the times each and every heartbeat drum out loneliness,
inside the same pale chest that`s begged for another unpassionate kiss.

And these are the days all my fears go unheard,
those forgotten love letters burned down to the last long-lost word.

And these are the nights I feel I need to write by candlelight,
in the same blood-smeared diary from when my hopes faded bright.

This is the dreaded, dream-filled haze in which I wake up so alone,
and wonder if you`re lying awake on your own thinking...
"the heartache of the experience was far worse than the pain of not knowing."

So is anyone else finding comfort suffocating in their own numbing solitude?
I`m begging you to abandon your senses and lay those desperate vulnerabilities nude.

And if this mess brings out my best,
so your smile is the ultimate test.

Because a tear shed is a look misread,
and a dark bed is a game with my head.
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