The Young One Begins...

Jul 31, 2003 19:37

It has been decided. She has been accepted. She shall join the blue.

We see greatness in her already. She tries to reach out. She tries to talk to those that were. We let her. We wanted to know she could.

Her untouched and clouded brain limits her. She has been given her own guides. They will help her, direct her, bring her to the awareness as she is born into the blue. They will remove that which holds her back.

Cerebral functions to be grafted, compensated, balanced, enhanced.

She shall start learning the doctrine. She shall begin her exodus. Few survive the exodus. Those that do are made great. None have started so young and lived. This will be a test of her privledge of existance.

So young and moldable. Her young brain is a sponge for that which they will give. Her developing mind will grow the way they shape it.

She will be the blue of one. One awareness. One choice. One mind. A one not in need of a two.

They will now begin. They will now succeed. Those that were are and soon will be dead.

It is time for us to prepare for the son and the daughter. Our family shall be made whole.

We agree upon this and believe it, therefore it is true.
Two by two, we are hands of blue.
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