aHH bOred nd tiired

Apr 08, 2004 21:02

*prOps* tO aLicia--fOr makin this wOnderfuLL livejOurnaL sO bEautifuL:-)

lEts sEe_waNna hEar abOut aLLisOn`s bOriinq dayy..weLL u prOb dOnt but imma typE awayy!

schOoL--haLf daii
1st hr_ weLL reaLLi 4th hr -test- easii
2nd hr_ weLL reaLLi 5th hr..wE pLayEd sOccEr!..yEah i`LL actuaLLy likE tHis cLass nOw!
3rd hr_ weLL reaLLi 6th hr..watCheD tHa Diary oF AnnE FranK

tHen caMe hOme nd diD nOthiinq;wHat fuN riiqht!

wEnt tO sOccEr praCticE @ 6--iT was tHe usuaL..nOthiin nEw happEneD..aLLi lOves mE thO..haa!

-SpriiNq BreaK `04-
whEn tHe sun sHinEs briqhT
nd tHa mOon gEts haZy
sprinq brEak `04 wHerE tHe
qOod qirLs qO crazii
-stOlEn frOm KatiiE-

`xO[ii lOvE RanDy!]Ox`

weLL i`m ouT-pEacE..

<33 aLLy
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