(no subject)

Jan 06, 2005 23:05

So today was the second snow day in a row....
The first one (yesterday) i went to school because i didn't want my mom to be bitching at me ...
it went like this...

peiod one: population = me and mr. c
I worked on things that I didn't do because if my sickness of two weeks... So im glad i went because i got alot done.

period two: population=me and mr. wear
I studied for tests and exams,.... mr. wear gave me hints for the history exam it was grand lmao

lunch: amanda and I layed in the halls so that all the 35 people( not including the teachers) couldn't get past ;) and it was fun lol

period three: population Me Amanda and the teacher
We "studied" biology for the test tomorrow (I hope thats hanged to monday eek) oh well if it isn't...

period four: population me and mrs. amicone
Amanda skipped math and we both gallavanted through the halls looking for lone soles.... we didnt find anyone so we got some chocolate bard and went to make steve walk all the way over to the school to hang out. It was fun lmao.

Anyway yea that was SNOW DAY NUMERO UNO! (snow day number one)

snow day number two... i didn't go haha because i didn't feel like it... so i stayed home and worked on my blanket that I am currently making. Its purtay! lol

Anyway this weekend is gunna be awesome because I get the house to myself because mom and my brother are going up to London for the weekend for a hockey tournament and my dad is working !!! WOOT WOOT! its gunna be awesome. Maybe Ill get someone to come over.. prolly not tho because i like being alone... anyway im off or mom will start bitching again +rolls eyes+

l8r dayz

much love
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