Apr 12, 2005 21:07
Ok so Kris picked me up and we went to Lifesaver for sunflower seeds and im like looking out the window .. and I see Peter .. haha .. funny .. so like there was a thing of seeds 4 for a $1 and liek we were counting them and then were like ok screw it and we grabbed the hole box..so then we got to the bus .. then we went to the game .. so like me,kori,bekah,kris, and brigid are sitting there and were all chewing up the seeds and like spitting them at each oteher .. and i had liike half a bag in my hiar .. anyway .. so then like we were making jokes .. and like Brigid now looks like a penis .. and we now call her "big stick" haha so then we were talking about gender changes for some reason .. then totally out of no where :
"Know what reminds me of a penis? Boiled cabbage."-KristinDoan
haha so yeah then we were talking about random stuff and making faces ..adn Kristin made this face and it looked like a vagina .. very funny .. so anyway .. we like lost by 1? and after we went for ice cream .. haha so me and bekah got fries and like the bus was leavign and were like sprinting to the bus and we like trip on something .. and like the fries are allover but we like grab them throw them in the cup and eat them on the bus bc were gayy .. so then on the way home we were talking about more random stuff and making more random faces.. so then came home,ate,showered and now im writing this ..
r a c h 1639: im reading ur journal
r a c h 1639: and i just wanted to say
r a c h 1639: u said LIKE a LOTTTT