(no subject)

Dec 07, 2004 17:53

went to the doctors today...dont wanna talk about it....i have to finish my homework...but thats not really workin out....and i have student govt....and im playing cards...samm...king of hearts lolol....and queen of hearts!...yea right...well im doing this game choi taught us that answers your questions about your love life....its funnyyyyyy .....who's the best kisser: King of Hearts.....who dreams about moi: King of Hearts...who am i gonna marry: king of spades... <---YES lol...no not really...who's gonna cheat on my w/ a blonde: King Of Hearts (LOLOLOLOL CORINNE REMEMBER?!?) .... its all hilarious.....its laugh out loud funny.

Emotional Survey::

Are you emotional :  yea lol
Do songs make you cry? If so, name a few :  If You're Not The One- David Bedingfield, Even in Death- Evanescence, Slipped Away- Avril,
What about movies :  Titanic
What emotion do you usually feel : lonely

+ Sadness +

What does it take to make you cry your heart out : rejection
How many times have you done that :  lately?...too much
Where do you cry : on my bed to myself..
Do you hate crying :  yea
Do you like it when others cry :  no
Do you think tears make eyes look pretty :  well..it makes my eyes look greener
Who looks good when they cry : not me
How else do you express sadness :  silence
Are you sad all the time :  not all the time...

+ Anger +

What does it take to make you mad : Lies, breaking promises, playing w/ my feelings, betraying me
What do you do when you're angry : Cry, punch walls, curse like hell
What song do you listen to when you're angry: GOING UNDER, FORGOTTEN, I H8 EVERYTHING, IM FAKE
How short is your temper :  not really short actually
How long does it take you to calm down :  a good hour
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad :  drank to the point where i didnt remember and i woke up w/ bruises all over me...
Do you freak out when others are angry : i dont freak out...i just avoid them
Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you :  actually...yes lol
What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad :  Lied to me...tell the fcking truth....see im getting aggrevated already lol
Do you anger people : idk? do i???????

+ Joy +

How often are you happy : i used to be all the time
What makes you happy : my friends
What do you do when you're happy : jump around, act stupid, have blonde moments lol 
How optimistic are you : lately...not really...but usually very
Do happy people make you mad : no they make me happy lol
What's the worst thing someone can do while you're happy : mention "someone"
Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone : yea...but that feeling left pretty quickly 
Ever been so happy you cried : o yea
Do you smile a lot : i think so idk?
Kiss people a lot: sometimes
Who really makes you happy : friends lol
Do you like doing things for people when you're happy : yeah

+ Fear +

What do you do when you're scared : think of something funny...or really stupid
What scares you : death, spiders nd bats..*yuck*
Do you like scaring people :  not really?
Do you like the trill of being frightened : the adrenaline rush is awesome 
Does fear accompany anger in your case : depends sometimes
Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe :  yess
How often do you panic : not often
What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER : when i thought i did something stupid...and i almost died...
What do you do to calm your nerves : listen to music, write
Do rollercoasters scare you : not anymore...not after my lil encounter w/ NITRO..after that lil rendezvous i ride just bout anything lol

+ The strongest emotion +

What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going :  If You're Not The One-David Bedingfield, Dangerously in Love-beyonce
Movie :  Titanic
Commericial : ???
Person : ha....thats not something i wanna talk about right now lol
Thing : my eternal love earrings i DONT wear anymore
Sight : the sunset from my window...and the stars at 2 in the morning...when everything else is dark.
Sound : hehe...someone's voice..
Food :  idk?
Thing you're looking forward to/want :  being loved for real...not just pretend.

+ What do you do +

When the emotion suck :  i cry
When the emotion rocks :  i never wanna 4get
When there's no emotion :  i move on

+ Would you rather +

Never feel again : no...i rather feel something bad but also have a shot at MAYBE feeling something good..then never feeling anything.
Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life :  anger...loneliness would kill me.
Be happy forever and never experience bad times : isnt that what everyone dreams about...too bad its not true.
Cause misery : no
Feel misery :  no
Be alone :  nopes
Be with everyone you know :  yeah

+ Who +

Cheers you up more than anyone else :  Corinne, Andy
Angers you more than anyone else :  myself
Scares you more than anyone else :  idk?
Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else :  "ghost" & "king of hearts"
Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think : well...no comment....does, but hes been gone 4 a while...
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