Dec 03, 2004 17:43
im actually ok right now...bitna knows why...i finally realized what this past months been all about...and im OK w/ that...and yes bitna..i DID hit my head on common sense lol...but thnx 4 being there for me when i needed to cry or when i needed someone to just listen...and samm and corinne have been here for me 100% of the time..and id honestly be lost w/o you guys...i promised myself i wouldnt cry nemore...and i didnt break my promise....*sigh* im so relaxed right now its crazy...i havent felt relieved in a lOnG time...and its official you guys im the biggest loser ever...remind me never to do what i did yesterday EVER again lol...those of you who know...yea whenever a situation like that ever comes up...dont let me do what i Curiousity bites you guys lolol...well im gona go call matt b/c we're gonna hang out at his house im gonna try and not get drunk tonight...bitna & samm i wish i could see ur face right ilu!...o ya...its not nice when ppl make promises and they cant seem to keep em....its alright tho.... :::bitna::: im calm lol..
O yea 4got to mention- Im moving :'( ...we still havent decided on Sleepy Hollow, or Rye and my step dad wants to move to Rye b/c Fabians apartment is over idk...dont get all like worked up about it or anything..i just dont wanna come in one day and be like "hey guys im moving tomorrow!" yea...laters*