Oct 17, 2004 11:23

1) You kiss like a 10 year old.
2) You were ugly before you cut your hair, and look at you now! HAHAHA
3)Your breath - smells like my dogs, and probably tastes the same too - though I haven't kissed my dog, I am tempted to find out if you taste the same haha
4) You are an ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly...UGLY midget with no life except to hang on Liz like her fucking prison bitch haha
5) You're ugly.
6) You are self absorbed and wouldn't know what its like to be a good person if you tried -
7) Any nice things I said to you - was probably out of pity -
8) You make my heart hurt just thinking about you haha
9) I bet your pussy smells like shit - though maybe I should ask Adam
10) Nice..Face?
11) The mere fact that you think you would have stood a chance with Danny, is laughable - He really did just want to bang you and leave hahah
12) You think you will find happiness? I hope to God you don't- you don't do anything for anyone, even if it is simple requests-
13) You and Danny Brehl should get married and have ugly sped babies who put their dicks in beer bottles and masturbate all week-
14) Nice you only get guys who are looking for a quick fuck? haha
15) I wish you had gotten alcohol poisoning and choked on your vomit because you truly make me sick.
16) You are lucky you have a big pair of tits or no guy would have ever approached you in your life haha
17) If you sucked more dick, guys might actually talk to you instead of just make fun of how sad you are haha
18) I fondly remember ignoring after I felt your mustache - and then the day I wouldn't kiss you because I was "mad" at you- yeah I wasn't mad, but I needed an excuse after I tasted your breath - I was going to throw up-
19) I am glad you only had your hand on my dick that day, because I'd never get the smell of your breath off of it - (God only knows how your pussy smells)
20) I'm glad your parents hate you - I want you to have all the reasons in the world to commit suicide - I am really sick of low life useless rejects taking up space in the world - you could be the queen of shitheads though, until you do finally cut your tiny little wrists and die.
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