Oh, everything.

Jul 29, 2008 11:42

I don't even know where to start.

Yesterday was Ben and my 5th wedding anniversary. We celebrated by going out to dinner with a baby who broke his record for public crankiness. Luckily we were sitting outside and there was only one other table and they were drunk lesbians who thought Elliot was cute. Our dinners came with a garnish of what was either a shrunken head, someones old gum, or a rocky mountain oyster (video to follow).

Currently my life consists of doing dishes/laundry, changing diapers, breastfeeding and reading nerd-fi (Wheel of Time anyone?). I'm also trying to study for the finals I missed. It would be nice to have them done sooner rather than later so I can relax a little more. Its a little frustrating though since the longer it takes me to study, the more I forget. Don't ask me how that works.

I went to the ER a few weeks ago and upon discharge was told to follow up my PCP. Only, I don't have one. My insurance is all wonk and so I had to find someone who takes both insurances. I ended up seeing an NP who seems to be experiencing some early onset alzheimers. Ugh. Problem still not solved, but at least they tested me for H.Pylori, which was negative.
Then I find out that my insurance which I thought was going to be active through the summer actually ended 6/30. Wouldn't be so big of a deal, except that I got a freaking IUD right after that since I thought I still had insurance. Now it looks like I'll probably be looking at an $600-800 bill for that shit.

On top of that, I thought I'd be able to work a little through the nanny agency. When I started working there they were all smiles and nods when I asked about working after my pregnancy. Now they tell me they can't find someone who is willing to let me babysit and bring my child with me. Fuckers. Now what?

Well, that's about it. My internetting has been significantly less than it used to be, which isn't such a bad thing....only, LJ makes it easier to keep up with people, so I probably don't know everything that's going on with you. If there's anything you feel like sharing-let me know!

BTW-my baby is googleable.
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