Aug 27, 2010 18:33
At least someone who is a little bit more considerate. Not too much more, because then that would be weird. Just a little bit more. Put in a teeny tiny ounce of effort in holding up to agreements. Because, at this point, I don't believe or trust one fucking word out of his mouth.
I should have never agreed to joint custody of Buddy.
I am just glad that he can't take him away from me, legally. Thank god for that.
And a note to myself:
Do not expect things from a man when he was unable to give them to you in the relationship. Things like respect, common courtesy, consideration, etc... Take a hint, retard; if he couldn't and wouldn't give them to you in the marriage, he most certainly can't and won't give it to you OUT of the marriage. Get a fucking clue.
I really need to start beating myself up more when I actually think for one second that he would ever fulfill my expectations.