Tagged by Amanda (luvyew!)
A. List seven habits/ quirks/ facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".
1. i don't sleep as much as i wish i did. probably an average of 5/6hrs a day.
2. i have this obsession with people who wear heels.
3. i enjoy time with myself, without the thought of being alone hitting me.
4. i have a bad habit of shopping. be in online or on the streets. if i like it & i can afford, i buy. No second thoughts. It's another way of saying farewell to my savings.
5. i stone very easily & it's tough to snap me back to reality.
6. i really love accessories though i don't always wear them.
7. i have very few friends who truly care about me, whom i can spill my heart out to.
The 7 people whom I tag to do this.
gloryoflife ,
gnirobpotential ,
lipsgreeting ,
puttylips ,
justinkeith ,
jovenelim ,
tingatron (Whoever who wants to take this, go ahead! Just mentioned that you were tagged by mua :))