Name: Ivana
Age: 16
Location: New Jersey, the armpit of America. Hopefully not for much longer
10 Bands: Led Zeppelin, Grateful Dead, Steppenwolf, The Doors, Cream, Smashing Pumpkins, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Aerosmith, Red Hot Chili Peppers. I could go on...
5 Movies: The King of Hearts, The Big Lebowski, Dogma, Gladiator, Reservoir Dogs.
3 Books: The Divine Comedy, The Picture of Dorian Grey, The Count of Monte Cristo. There are so many...and it tortures me to choose.
Fill out 3 out of the following 5:
Abortion: Pro-Choice. Any Pro-Life excuse is based by religious morals, and I believe that civil laws should be only concerning logic, science, and the mechanics of communities.
Censorship: I am against censorship, unless what someone is saying or how they say it infringes upon the freedoms of others. It is extremely hard to do that however, when people are thinking clearly and keep an open mind. So, I believe that people should generally be allowed to expose what they want and exercise their right to speak freely.
Bush/Kerry: Kerry, because enough of this already.
Why do you think you're different: I have very different interests than most people; I'm something of an eclectic I suppose. I think very analytically, while I believe most people think in more relative terms. But then again, I've never had the experience of thinking like someone else, so I don't really know.
One place you promoted to: A potentially interested friend's journal...
Do you have a myspace?: I'm not even sure what that is.
What's so damn great about Donnie Darko?: Good lord. People who watch it don't understand the point, so they believe it to be very deep and intellectual. But, there is in fact very little point at all. It's assembled very uniquely and artistically, that is good.
Pictures: I'd have to do some serious file-digging to find any at the moment.