what the shit is this?!!! I have no idea.

Jul 12, 2006 22:17

9 lasts-

9. last place you were: bathroom
7. last beverage: water
6. last movie seen: Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest
5. last phone call: Momma Monster
4. last CD played: Nirvana MTV Unplugged
3. last bubble bath: a long while
2. last time you cried: couple of months
1. last alcoholic drink: vodka/lemonade mix ... beer?

8 have you evers-

8. have you ever dated someone twice: yeah
7. have you ever been cheated on: Think so
6. have you ever had your heart broken? not in a really long time
5. have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: ho yeah
4. have you ever done drugs: *silence*
3. have you ever lost someone: More than once
2. have you ever been depressed: briefly ... yeah
1. have you ever lived away from home? no ... technically ...

6 things you've done today-

1. went swinging
2. butted heads with the Father Figure
3. cursed fate for giving me sisters instead of brothers
4. wailed along with the radio ... badly
5. paid on electric bill
6. gave into temptation and smoked a cigarette

5 things you adore-

1. ninja/pirates
2. chocolate
3. music
4. movies
5. books

4 places you want to go-

1. Japan
2. the Caribbean
3. England/Scotland
4. Idaho >P

3 favorite colors-

1. Blue
2. Black
3. Purple

2 things you want to do before you die-

1.) finish something I wrote
2.) Find love, true or fleeting at this point I don't really care

-------IN THE PAST 24HRS HAVE YOU----------
* Cried: nope
* Worn jeans: nope
* Met someone: yeah
* Done laundry: nope
* Driven a car: yeah
* Talked on the phone: yes
* Said I love you: to The Father Figure
* Gotten drunk: nope

--------WHICH IS BETTER----------
*Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
*Coke or Pepsi: neither
*Love or Lust: why settle for just one?
*Girls or Guys: Boys are fun.
*Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette!
*Tall or Short: tall
*Night or Day: night

*What do you notice first: ... different things with each guy

------------THE LAST TIME YOU------------
*Showered: 10 minutes ago

*Makes you smile: all the fangirls on my friends list and raining terror on my fandoms!!

-------DO YOU EVER---------
*Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call: never
*Forward secret E-mails: never!!
*Wish you were someone else: once or twice
*Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: just for the luxury of standing up to pee
*Wear perfume? on occasion

--------HAVE YOU EVER--------
*Kissed two people in the same day?: *le sigh* nope
*Used someone?: ... prolly ...
*Been used?: no doubt
*Been Cheated on: prolly

--------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON---------
*That you saw?: my sister
*You talked to? same sister ... who wont shut up!!
*You instant messaged?: Momma Monster ... I think ...
*You yelled at?: said sister again
*You thought about? the friggin' heat!!! and a cigarette
*Who told you they loved you? ... I think ... The Father Figure may have said as much when he left ... not to sure ...
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