New Bitch

May 28, 2007 20:43

For some reason my bold tags are being weird and no, I'm not using rich text. I sincerely apologize if anything's funky.
Name: Aryn

Age: 20
[1] Whats your view on using sex to sell music?
I think it's fucking ridiculous. I understand that sex sells, however I think that music should sell music. I understand that it is human nature to be fascinated by sex and thus artists are going to write songs about it. However these music videos where I can't find a meaning beyond "Bitches, Hoes, Pussy, Suck my fat cock" drive me up a wall. If that is the only meaning of your music, you've got much less talent than you think.

[2] What do you think about ads?
I honestly think that all smoking posters look the same after a while. Okay, the artwork is different? Big fucking deal. The videos are awesome though. I love how the videos strive to make a memorable statement rather than standing around handing out the less than memorable posters.

[3] Have you ever watched porn? What's your opinion?
Of course I've watched porn. I think there are very few people that can honestly say they haven't watched porn. However, I think the trick is finding good porn. Good porn is so hard to find. Usually porn just makes me laugh, especially hentai the boobs and ridiculous ejaculations and tenticles are histerical.

[4] What's your opinion on "reality" shows?
I'm not going to lie, I watched the first season of Survivor. Currently however, I cannot stand reality shows. People in these shows have learned what makes money (having sex, drinking, fighting) and that is all that ever goes on. Reality TV is stale.

[5] Do you believe that TV and the general view of the public has desensitized us to emotion as a species?
I don't think it's the television that has desensitized the human race, it's the general view of the public. The view that money will bring people happiness has desensitized us to the world.

[1] Are you pro-choice or pro-life?
I personally don't think that I'd be able to get an abortion; I get too attatched to things (I had a fish that died a couple of weeks back and I cried for hours.) and I'm pretty sure if I ever became pregnant I'd become attatched as soon as I found out. However, I think that the choice should be left up to the woman. I understand that every woman makes some sort of choice when she starts having sex. However, shit happens and just making a choice to have sex doesn't mean that one is ready for the care required for a child. Adoption is not always a good answer either when making the choice to have or abort the child. Does a child that bounces from foster home to foster home have a good life? Does that child even have a good chance of finding his/her "nitch?" No. Of course then there's the side that everyone and their mother uses: rape. That is not a woman's choice in any sense of the term, so why should she have to live with it if she does not want to.

I see abortion as completely legal up until a certain point. There has to be a way to decide when the fetus is considered a living child that cannot be murdered. When a fetus starts responding to outside stimuli, perhaps. There also needs to be a physical exam for the woman to decide if it is more dangerous to have the child or to abort it.

Being pro-choice does not mean that I condone using abortion as a form of "birth control." I know girls that have had at least 20 abortions. This kind of stuff makes me sick.

[2] What's your opinion on under-age drinking?
I'd be a hypocritical fucker to say that I was against it. However, I think that the drinking age is ridiculous in the USA. 21? You can go to war at 18. You can drive a car at 16(usually). Why the hell can't you drink at 18? Beyond that, the small teens (12,13,14) that drink, that's just the parent's own ignorance. Teach your children better, not necessarily by prohibition. Teach them that alcohol is not a big deal that way when they start drinking without you, they're less likely to do stupid shit. This is all from my own personal experience, I understand every child is different.

[3] What are your thoughts on war?
War is very rarely necessary.

[4] Which political party do you favor and why?
I suppose that this is technically Democrat. If you notice, American politics recently have come down to liberal and conservative.

[5] What do you think about gay marriages?
I am 825% for it. When I was a small child my mother described marriage to me as "when two people love each other very much, they get married." This may be the most simple definition of marriage, but sometimes the simple definition is the one that gets the job done.

My favorite arguement is about how the gay lifestyle is against God. Okay, if God created all people and it's been proven that in a gay person's brain they have something slightly different. I think that there's a gland that is midly larger. I also remember reading in my Psych book from freshman year of college that it is believed that gay men actually have more testosterone while in utero. If God created all people why would he make this lifestyle if it's sinful?

If the gays are unnatural then why would cases of it be found in the wild. I remember reading somewhere recently (I wish I'd saved the article) about how two penguins that had been partners for years adopted a baby and have been caring for it together.

[6] What is your opinion on racism?
Everyone's racist; get over it. It happens; the only thing we can do is try to not look at skin tones though it's difficult because humans depend so heavily on their sight.

Your Choices. And fucking explain them.
[1] If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
Take pictures of whatever the fuck I want. I'm always having to be careful while I'm out because you can't take children's pictures without parental consent. You can't take people pictures without consent. By the time all that shit's out of the way, the moment that I wanted to capture is gone for good.

[2] If given the choice would you choose knowledge of what is to come, or spontaneity?
I don't want to know what is going to happen. That ruins the fun of living completely. If you know what is going to happen, nothing is exciting, nothing is worth remembering.

[3] Would you kill someone for a sum of money?
Fuck no. Life, even someone's that I completely hate is worth more than any amount of cash.

[4] If you had to lose your eyesight or your hearing, which would it be and why?
Oh boy, that's rough. I think I'd rather lose my hearing. It means that I wouldn't be able to hear my music any longer, however, that is probably all that I would miss. There are subtitles for movies, my books, and my photography that I'd still be able to do without my hearing. Besides it would make it much easier to tune out obnoxious people. I'd miss the noise, but I don't know what I would do if I couldn't see the world, the birds, the grass, the trees, everthing.

[5] If you had three wishes (excluding wanting more wishes), what would they be?
1. I want to send my little sister through art college. She's got so much potential that could be opened with the right guidance.
2. I want to be remembered by my students. Being remembered by kids that I taught years ago is one of the best feelings.
3. And one physical one. I want my joints to be normal again. I crack everytime I move like an 80 year old lady. My hips, my back, my knees, my wrists; it's bad.

[6] Do you choose to believe in religion/God?
Yes. I consider myself Christa-Wiccan. I suppose I actually don't believe in religion. I believe in faith. I believe religion is there for guidance in your own personal faith. I think that faith is something that is very personal that everyone must find for themself. I believe in Jesus, and the God and Goddess, personally.

Hypothetical and Personal
[1] Do you care what others think of you?
Well, to an extent. I don't want people to think that I'm dirty or well, actually that's pretty much it. I dress to impress myself. I don't want to think myself that I look like shit. I am still loud and obnoxious without a care in the world. All I want to do is be myself. I will try to impress job interviewers and stuff like that though.

[2] What (to the best of your knowledge) was the worst day of your life?
I think it was probably the day when I found out that not only had I been academically dismissed from SUNY Fredonia, but that they were going to accept my appeal and allow me back in but my parents wouldn't even cosign the loans to allow me back in. That college had been my life, all my friends were there, I didn't have a life plan that didn't involve going there.

Granted, in the long run the fact that I'm not there anymore was probably a good thing, however, I've never been more crushed.

[3] Do you read or write often?
Yes. I'm currently on a quest to own every Stephen King book ever published. I haven't put much of a dent into it though. I also write fiction here. I don't claim to be very good but it's a hobby.

[4] Why are you joining this community?
I love being able to bitch people out that don't even have a basic grasp of the english language or the world around them.

[5] Give us your definition of bitch.
Someone that is not afraid to be themselves no matter the consequence. They are willing to stand up for their own beliefs with intelligence and integrity.

[6] Name something that is sacred to you and why it is.

This is my grandparent's navy locket. My grandfather was in the navy twice. Once before WWII and again during the war. I never got to meet him, he died while my mother was in college. I basically never got to meet my grandmother either, she had a stroke when I was three and could not speak. I never leave the house without wearing this locket so it's a special kind of sacred to me.

[7] Tell us briefly a time someone embarrassed you.
Honestly nothing really sticks out. It takes a lot these days to embarass me. I'm a clutz and I'm a waitress so stuff gets dropped all the time but it just makes me laugh. I fall all the time and walk into things. All this makes me laugh quite a lot. Usually I just embarass other people by stating the obvious, it confuses them.

[8] What is your favorite quote?
"The best defense against the atomic bomb is not to be there when it goes off."
It's a quote I found on a random website. It's not said by anyone famous but it's such a wonderful truth.

[9] What inspires you?
Insightful books. I can be completely immersed in a book and the world around me will completely melt around me and weeks later I find myself making connections from the world to the book.

[10] Why are you here? What is your part in life? Discuss your point of view.
To make a difference, however small. Every person makes even a small difference in the world changing it permanently. It's a form of leaving your own stamp behind to be remembered once you passed on.

[11] How old were you when you realized you were going to die?
I'm really not sure how old I was, but I remember it thoroughly freaking me out. I woke my parents up sobbing because they were going to die before me and then I was going to die and disappear and never come back. I was thoroughly freaked the hell out.

[12] What types of people can you just not stand?
Ignorant, stupid people. People that don't know what they're arguing about annoy the hell out of me. How can you pretend to know what you're talking about? Do some damned research or else you're just arguing in circles.

Oh, and people that tell me that I'm immature. Yes, I like to goof around, make silly faces, and throw grass. I also know how to buck up and act my age. People that yell at me for being immature and that I need to grow up are usually the ones that need to grow up themselves.

Last words?
That is all.
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