Jul 02, 2006 23:54
Name: Sylvia
[1] Whats your view on using sex to sell music?
well, it completely depends on your view of what "sex" is. I say a good musician with a good song (not about sex) can pull it off without the need of it. But Sex has been used throughout ages to sell things, I think it depends on the quality of the music ultimately.
[2] What do you think about thetruth.com ads?
Have absolutely no idea what they are. An American thing? I live in Australia.
[3] Have you ever watched porn? What's your opinion?
Not on purpose. Also, would this include Sex scenes in movies?
I don't really mind. I think it shouldn't be shown to children, but if you're an adult- hey, go for it, it's your choice. I find it ironic that our laws here say you must be 18 to watch porn, yet you can have sex at 16. What's with that?
[4] What's your opinion on "reality" shows?
My opinion on how realistic they are is that I don't find them all that realistic or interesting. I find most of the people in them to be quite shallow and irritating, although I suppose it depends on the program and its editing. Overall I don't really watch them because they bore me.
[5] Do you believe that TV and the general view of the public has desensitized us to emotion as a species?
haha, I just got a thought there relating to the question about "us as a species", and was wondering what could desensitise other species, mainly goldfish.
On this ground, I can't really take this question seriously enough to answer appropriately at the moment.
[1] Are you pro-choice or pro-life?
Ah, difficult one. Pro-choice. I think it's a terrible waste of life, but I think of people living in pure pain, pure hopelessness for years and years who just look forward to their death. I see an animal in pain that it's just going to die a slow horrible death, I'm killing it quickly and much less painlessly. I see a person living in pure pain, I don't think I could make the decision for them, but if I knew that was what they wanted, I would.
This all sounds pretty regurgitated, but it's truely my opinion.
[2] What's your opinion on under-age drinking?
I think every kid will once or twice, doing it responsibly is the point. I may have a light drink at home with my parents or a glass of champagne, a glass or two at dinner, but I do it where I know I'm safe, to a point where I am not debilitated, and know what and how much I am drinking. I find this interesting because just this night before I went to a party on the beach and there were people drinking but it never even crossed my mind to drink there, because basic instinct told me it wasn't a safe place to drink. I don't find it hard to say no at all.
[3] What are your thoughts on war?
Completely senseless. Especially this one in Iraq. I held such high hopes- a new Millenium! A new start, a new slate, a chance for a world I want to see myself in. One without discrimination, corruption (hey, high hopes but it is a thousand years people!) and I just find this rediculous war the worst possible start. I was against it from the start, and always will be. We need to learn from our past mistakes. We need to abolish war. At least a war that is fought destroying buildings, cities, countries, killing innocent people, setting off nuclear bombs. War between people who believe... I still can't agree with, but at least it's the people who feel that way, who chose it, not people caught between.
[4] Which political party do you favor and why?
Greenies. Because I am an optimist. It's never going to work, but hey, I can dream.
[5] What do you think about gay marriages?
let them be! I find the whole "marriage is a communion between man and woman thing to be such shite. So, let the churches decide after you make the law. It's unfair to deny same sex couples the right to be together in a way they see meaningful, or at least with the same priviledges as other people who say they want to share their lives together. In France they have a sort of "binding" thing. Couples of any type can come and they sign a document with no religious meaning, but it's got meaning in the way that they then recieve special rights like a married couple. So, introduce that. It's not marraige, it is fair, and it doesn't interfer with the church's views.
[6] What is your opinion on racism?
oh, god. So completely pointless. Die in a hole, please. I don't look at people and think "oh, they're an enthicity, they must be like this"
I don't do that, I truely cannot comprehend how wrong and thoughtless it is. On the same note, racism goes ALL ways. I don't like people assuming I must be racist because I am caucasian. Or that I am like SOMETHING because I am caucasian. THAT IS RACISM TOO.
Your Choices. And fucking explain them.
[1] If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
Steal all Base guitars in the world in hommage to "all your base are belong to us" This is because I am a geek who likes to play with words. It's truely quite pathetic, but I would.
[2] If given the choice would you choose knowledge of what is to come, or spontaneity?
Spontaneity- a lot of fun can be had. I choose it as in my mind it is the easy way out, as I don't think I could cope knowing the future.
[3] Would you kill someone for a sum of money?
Yes. However, this would have to be around abouts enough to wipe national debt and relieve all poverty in the world. I would do this for the saving of lives, the burden on me.
[4] If you had to lose your eyesight or your hearing, which would it be and why?
Blindness- Effectively because it's to me- seeing, drawing... or music? And music is the language of the soul. I could never be able to cope without music, it is the essence of me.
[5] If you had three wishes (excluding wanting more wishes), what would they be?
1- end of poverty
2- harmony. Not world peace, I find that rediculous, but just harmony
3- women rule the world - BECAUSE IT'S HIGH TIME!
[6] Do you choose to believe in religion/God?
I believe in a higher presence. I don't concentrate it, but believe it to be everything essentially. Me, you, the trees, the universe.
Hypothetical and Personal
[1] Do you care what others think of you?
I really don't mind. I get a lot of shit, I just brush it off mainly. I like getting a compliment or two, but I rely more on my Friends and Family. They know me, they tell me when I am changing, who they see me as, and I trust them. How am I meant to trust the judgements of someone who doesn't know me properly? It's completely unbased, and I don't read too deeply into unfounded conclusions in any aspect of my life.
[2] What (to the best of your knowledge) was the worst day of your life?
ah, I suppose the loss of my grandparents were pretty dark days. I had a dark day awhile back, which, at the time seemed ground shattering, but now it doesn't bother me. A girl I know lost her father today, so I'm not in the mood to whine about my comparatively distant and less upsetting times.
[3] Do you read or write often?
I read a lot, as much as I can, as well as I can. I like books that challenge me. I write, again, as much as I can and I think I have improved greatly.
[4] Why are you joining this community?
Because I was looking at my info page and I found my interest of "being a bitch" was shared, so I looked up who else shared my love of bitchiness.
[5] Give us your definition of bitch.
verb- to complain with great enthusiasm, passion and spite
noun- someone who does something with great enthusiasm, passion and spite in a way that upsets other people. Not that the Bitch in question cares.
[6] Name something that is sacred to you and why it is.
Virginity. Not saying you should save it for marraige if you don't want to, but that it is something you are born with, be it man or woman. Just I feel it is something that is special. I view mine with great respect, and see the time I loose it as being a time that will be completely right for me hopefully.
[7] Tell us briefly a time someone embarrassed you.
so many. well, I liked a guy and my friends sat near him with me, and then proceeded to scream out my name so he would hear it. Why, I know not. It was like "oh, so SYLVIA!!!!! what mark did you get in English, SYLVIA!!!!"
[8] What is your favorite quote?
"Society is mutating so fast that no-one over twenty really has any idea"
The movie this came from is one I love, and that quote just strikes a chord with me and how I feel adults seem to view me.
[9] What inspires you?
Small things that just make my world so beautiful- like a song that comes on the radio right at the perfect moment. In that moment there is pure bliss.
[10] Why are you here? What is your part in life? Discuss your point of view.
I am here to be someone who sees beyond what I am told to think. To be someone to show people they should think too. Too many people accept things as they come, don't look beyond. That is the basis of so many problems. If I can change a few people, I can change the world in some small way. Even if I am not changing them to how I would want them to be.
[11] How old were you when you realized you were going to die?
Cannot remember. that's an odd question.
[12] What types of people can you just not stand?
Racists, Small minded people, arrogant people. There's this one guy who filled his livejournal, which he started for the soul purpose of filling with crap about my friend because she wouldn't go out with him and he couldn't handle it. Then her friend went and sided with him without even asking her if it was true, which it wasn't, and now they are going out, and the girl and guy cannot figure out why we really don't want anything to do with them and how could we generally think they're idiots, so they go on and on about how it's because we're all insanely jealous. These people love the sound of their own voice.
Last words?
I'm not too young to know, you're too old to want me to.