new bitch

Jun 28, 2005 15:45

Name: Lorena

Age: 18

[1] Whats your view on using sex to sell music? I think its sad when in order to boost your sales or to even have sales, you need to put your own body on display. Degrading yourself in front of the world is deplorable, yet people love it. When you’re a world wide icon and role model for the young setting a “look at my body aren’t I sexy” example is unacceptable.

[2] What do you think about ads? Truth hurts. They do an impressive job of putting the hard facts out there for people to see and hopefully realize just what they’re doing to their body. And hopefully discourage non-smokers from becoming smokers.

[3] Have you ever watched porn? What's your opinion? I’ve watched porn and I believe its pure comedy. For some girl to take on 3 dicks at a time, screaming to nut on her face, all the while fingering her own ass and licking her fingers, who wouldn’t laugh? The porn industry is a joke.

[4] What's your opinion on "reality" shows? Reality shows are anything and everything but reality. Every episode is written out, rehearsed, and choreographed to perfection. Its set up to “look real” and to keep the audience in suspense, forcing them to watch next week to find out who got kicked off. All this hype about nothing, whoever thought up this “reality” bullshit needs to be shot, ASAP

[5] Do you believe that TV and the general view of the public has desensitized us to emotion as a species? Of course it has. I hear my grandparents talking about how repulsive TV and basically the whole entertainment industry is. Sacred things, like making love is exploited in cartoons and curse words are thrown around left and right. Granted, these shows are aired late at night, but still, its viewable by children. These things has made teens, and adults numb to violence, sex and indignity ways of treating people. Its a reflection of how our society is.

[1] Are you pro-choice or pro-life? I'm pro-choice because I myself has faced this grueling decision. I don’t think anyone should be able to have the power to tell a woman what to do with her body.

[2] What's your opinion on under-age drinking? Moderation is key. I drink, and I drink too much. I feel if you pace yourself, give your keys to a responsible person, and surround yourself with good people, have fun with it. However, when you throw in drunken rapes, drunk driving, and fights, in the equation it results in unnecessary drama and the law. The possibility of alcohol poisoning is higher in teens because they don’t know their limit. I’d say its better not to do it altogether and avoid the hassles, but then I’d be a hypocrite.

[3] What are your thoughts on war? In some situations war is unavoidable and sometimes necessary. But when it can be prevented, it’s the best policy. The whole idea of killing soldiers and innocent civilians is not appealing and I don’t like it. When the US engages in war for the right reasons, I wish the soldiers good luck, I salute you, and give em hell.

[4] Which political party do you favor and why? My birthday is November 14th, so go figure. A measly 12 days stopped me from having the privilege to vote. I grew up with a republican family and my views have been persuaded because of it when I was young. Now that im older I still believe in the Republican party, but for my own reasons. My main attraction being conservative.

[5] What do you think about gay marriages? Everyone has a right to be happy, let them. I don’t think its fair or right for the government to play a part in deciding who can marry and who cant. Gay marriages doesn’t affect my life in any way, shape or form, and I think its preposterous that people are getting so bent outta shape over it. Respect peoples beliefs, let love love, go about your own business and stop getting so wrapped up in things that has nothing to do with you. Ugh people these days>_<

[6] What is your opinion on racism? Racism needs the boot. It’s pathetic and ignorant to discriminate due to skin color. I accept people for who they are not what they are, which has lead me to respect and love. “We’re all the same color when you turn out the lights”

Your Choices. And fucking explain them.
[1] If you could get away with anything, what would you do? Anything? Id bring my Grandfather back. He recently died, May 27,2005 (rip) He’s the wind beneath my wings, my hero, my everything. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him. His death was inevitable, his long term illness, dialysis, hospitalization and nursing home run around was sure to catch up with him. I wish I could hear his full hearted laugh or feel his embrace again, just to tell him I love him, or the fact that I cant live without you so please don’t leave me. I couldn’t explain how much he meant to everybody whoever came in contact with him, he‘s done so much for everybody and so much for me. Id rather be an angel without wings than a girl with a broken heart..

[2] If given the choice would you choose knowledge of what is to come, or spontaneity? Spontaneity definitely. Knowing the future, death basically, would terrify me. I wouldn’t want to know my future equipped with plenty of downfalls and hardships. I like being surprised and the unknown intrigues me. So spontaneity it is.

[3] Would you kill someone for a sum of money? The value of somebody’s life cannot be justified with a sum of money. I could never end somebody’s life because I’d forever be plagued by guilt, visually seeing the murder, hearing it, terrorizing myself for the rest of my life. No life is worth ending for some dinero.

[4] If you had to lose your eyesight or your hearing, which would it be and why? I’d rather lose my hearing. Being unable to see is an unimaginable feeling of darkness. Losing your hearing at least you’d be able to lip read, and read at all. Plus, I need to see my loves faces, their smiles, and happiness in their eyes. Hearing it cant compare to the visual aspect of my relationships.

[5] If you had three wishes (excluding wanting more wishes), what would they be?
1) I’d wish to bring my grampy back without the sickness that inundated his last years. Bring him back healthy and the way he use to be. There’s a void in my life that will always be empty, nothing will ease the pain until im with him again. Having him back would mean the world, plus more to me.
I would want my mom to find ultimate happiness. She has sacrificed for me so much over the years while she raised me that I would sacrifice whatever I needed to for her to be completely happy with everything in her life.
2) I would wish that all the children in the third world countries would stop suffering. They need food, clothing, education and so much more that I feel compelled to just my life savings to these poor kids. I hate seeing those commercials to donate money to little Tynoik for his dentistry and medical. It sends a wave of guilt over me and everything that I’ve taken for granted.
3) Last but not least, my last wish would be that my friends and family know how much I love them and appreciate everything they’ve done for me. Without their love and support, I wouldn’t have made it over some of the obstacles I’ve faced. My friends for their laughter and never ending emotional support. My family for their undenying love and caring. Im having an e-moment, don’t mind me.

[6] Do you choose to believe in religion/God? I grew up never going to church and never learning about God and any type of religion. All the stories of Jesus is hard to understand and believe in when I’ve never known about him. I don’t knock people for believing in certain things, I jus don’t agree with some of the abstract things their religion has them believing. God or not, I do feel there’s some sort of higher power watching over everybody.

Hypothetical and Personal
[1] Do you care what others think of you? I care to a degree. I try to always look my best and act myself, yet there’s always somebody getting on you for it. So to those people, fuck em. I want respect, so I respect. Although it doesn’t always go both ways like that. I do my best to be my best and if that’s not good enough I don’t care to reach your unreasonable stupid standards.

[2] Explain the perfect school day (classes, students, etc.): my perfect school day is not going. Plain and simple.

[3] Do you read or write often? I used to read all the time. Dean Koontz back in 5th, 6th, and 7th grade. One of my favorite books would have to be “She’s come undone” which I read in 8th grade. Reading has definitely made me into a more intelligent, open-minded person and I thank my momma for getting on my case about it. Writing is not my favorite, but when I have something really good to rant about I come to

[4] Why are you joining this community? I think this community has higher standards and doesn’t allow jus any ol chip off the old block. Therefore, making it more exclusive with intelligent, neat people. Plus, I like the attitude..

[5] Give us your definition of bitch. A bitch is an underestimated, intelligent, independent woman who knows what she wants and expects nothing less. The title ’bitch” is from puny, intimidated men. Fuck yall!

[6] Name something that is sacred to you and why it is. The relationship between my best friend and I. It’s built on trust, love and understanding. My life wouldn’t seem right without her in it, middle school-ish? Perhaps. I just know I couldn’t and wouldn’t survive without her in my life. The laughter, tears, agony and madness has brought us closer with every situation. She’s not just my best friend anymore, she’s my sister.

[7] Tell us briefly a time someone embarrassed you. My mom posted a naked picture of me on my grandmothers fridge that she had found while cleaning. Mind you, this house is always full of people, the kitchen is the belly of the house, so granted, everybody saw my 4 year old nips. Of course they think its cute as hell while im standing there embarrassed as all fuck. I took it down and burned it. End of that fiasco lemme tell you.

[8] What is your favorite quote? "Whatever happens, happens, I cant let it get to me" I forget where I read this. But I have the tendency to over analyze and over react in situations. Always making it seem worse than it really is and it has taken a tole on my current relationship. Im not happy with the way I react to things so I jus repeat that quote in my head and I do my best to rethink the situation. More than half the time its not really the end of the world like I play it out to be.

[9] What inspires you? Myself. I always find someway that I can better myself and grow as a person. Only I can change my ways, improve my lifestyle and alter my future. The dreams and inspiration that I either think of for myself or acquire from somebody or something, can only be brought to life from myself.

[10] Why are you here? What is your part in life? Discuss your point of view. Sheesh, this is a toughy. Im here to live my life, be happy and to love. Im here to enjoy this short time spent on earth surrounding myself with things and people that mean the most to me. As far as my part in life, I can honestly say I don’t know yet. I don’t know where my life is going, nor where it should be going. I hope somebody I will either be a MAC cosmetologist or a dental hygienist.

[11] How old were you when you realized you were going to die? I don’t really know. I remember I used to lie awake at night thinking about death. Lying there in the dark, repeating that when I die “im just going to lie there, and lie there, and lie there, and lie there” and I would scare the hell outta myself.

[12] What types of people can you just not stand? I cant stand immature, ignorant, stupidity engulfed, thinking “they’re cool” kids. It just annoys the hell outta me. Grow uuuuup. I also cant stand non-trusting friends. People are too quick to drop you for something better, the main reason why I have fewer true friends and more associates.

Last words? An hour later and I’m finally done. These questions have really made me think, ponder, and open my mind. I’m glad I was able to voice some of my opinions. Regardless if you accept me or not, im appreciative in you just reading this. Thank you, good day ;]

I have voiced my opinions and obviously you all have yours. While I do not regret stating any opinions I would like to have a little disclaimer here that says that I hope I have not offended anyone in any way. Because even though this is an opinion rating community, I would in no way want to offend anyone. Have a lovely night and thank you for taking the time to read my application.

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