
Apr 07, 2007 07:19

Its Easter morning and It is freakishly cold out. Does not appear to be spring anywhere you look.
We actually had a huge day planned. Easter egg hunt this morning with Devin.
He had one at his daycare yesterday which was the cutest thing in the world. 30 small tikes running to grab hundreds of easter eggs in the playgrounds. Of course Devin, ever the wise one, has a different plan than the other kids. About 3 eggs made it to his basket before he decided to start picking up eggs, taking the cady out of them, put the candy in the basket and throw the empty egss back down. lol.

After the hunt we are going to a crawfish broil at her bosses house for some big easter thing. Then rushing back to clean, and get ready for the poker party tongiht.

Anyways, it is only 35 degrees out right now and the weather forcast says cloudy with rain and snow showers today? WTF? Rain and snow this evening transitioning to snow showers overnight? WTF?

Did i miss something? This weather was not part of the original plans.

On the positive side I get to pull out my expedition coat to wear when we go out today :) Joy Joy.
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