numero uno times trois

Dec 25, 2005 02:31

I saw this on lexi's LJ, and had to do it!

------------------GENERAL INFO------------------

* Starting Time: 2:03.. AM.. I can't sleep! I keep thinking about our AMAZING BAND PLANS AND I'M PRETTY MUCH COMPLETELY PSYCHED NOW. HOLY MUTHER

* Name On Birth Certificate: Jacqueline Elizabeth Eenkooren. Say that 10x fast.

* Nicknames: Many nicknames have arisen over the years, but I think the most popular, and fondest, would have to be Biscotti as I have been so lovingly deemed.

* Starsign: Taurus bitches.

* Location: Fort Mac. aka. Large gaping hole in the earth.

* Colour of eyes: *sigh* I hate explaining this.. because they change colour depending on hydration/ sleep deprivation/ energy/ etc... But I think the most common colour you will see is gold or green. If you don't believe me, STARE INTO MY EYES. SERIOUSLY. I'M NOT LYING. *ahem*

* Hair colour: .. This is another one of those things I hate explaining.. IT'S NOT BROWN, AND IT'S NOT BLONDE (anymore). Steven and I decided quite a long time ago that it's "honey" :)

* Shoe Size: .. Shut up Amber.. uhh.. 10 ish.. depending on the brand. so anywhere between 9 -10
* Height: 5'9

* Brothers/Sisters: David (10) Michelle (7)

------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------

* Missed school because it was raining: HA I'm Irish, guess again.

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Um.. Somebody lit my shoulder on fire once

*Been in a car accident: Not a serious one

* Been hurt emotionally: ha next question

* Kept a secret from everyone: unfortunately

* Cried during a movie: Yes. 3 Movies. 1. Forest Gump 2. Babe 3. The Hulk

* Been on stage: YES *place heart here*

* Shampoo: Uhh.. I don't know I stole it from my mum :)

* Fav colour: Navy, Dark Red, Black, and White.

* Summer/Winter: Both for the own reasons.. unless we're talking fort mcmurray seasons.. THEN SUMMER

* Cartoon Characters: The Pink Panther :)

* Movie: Jacob's Ladder, Fight Club, Donnie Darko, Elephant, Rocky Horror Picture Show.

* Drink: Um.. most times I don't know what I'm drinking XD but from what I do know, cherry liquer.


* Ice Cream?: Double Dark Chocolate Fudge :D Or Liiimmmeee

* Person/People: Amber, Lexi, Marnie, Jesse, Chris, Eric, and Jeannine.

* Chick Movie Star: Angelina Jolie ;) baha

* Guy Movie Star: Cillian Murphy. Close your eyes and listen to him talk. mmmmm

-----------RIGHT NOW------------------

* Wearing: Matching Christmas PJ's!!

* Eating: Nothing. Unfortunately. I'm hungry. Thanks for reminding me.

* Drinking: Nooothing.

* Thinking about: Making music (in a non sexual way.. at the moment XD) And realizing how absolutely amazing this is making me feel!

* Talking to: HA nobody. How many people are up at 2:15 in the morning on Christmas? Not many. frigg.

* Listening to: At the moment, My Chemical Romance : Vampires Will Never Hurt You/ NIN: Deep

* Home alone: Nope. Once again...

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------

* Cried: Yes. Because I was daydreaming. They were good though. Damn Lexi call me!! I'm going to freaking explode if we don't get started soon!!!

* Cleaned your room: Let's ask me that again, and instead of hours, lets ask months..

* Drove a car: no. dang. LISCENCE IN MARCH

* Fast food: noop. e.

* Had an argument with someone: Nadda

----------------YOU BELIEVE IN------------------

* Yourself: I actually do. more on that later..

* Santa Clause: *ahem*. ... ....

* Ghosts: In a way

* Angels: that I do.

* UFO's: ...*coughfagcough*

------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

* Do you have a soul mate?: Maybe? definetely haven't met him yet hahaha. But I think there are many soulmates for everybody.. Including friend soul mates.. so that's a different story.

* Who have you known the longest of your friends: None really. Only person I think would be marnie, but we didn't talk for like, a year and a half before we became good friends again. but I've known her since 8th grade. Unless we're talking CALGARY.. WELL THEN.. JESSE, CHRIS, ERIC (aka. E-rad), McSexerson (shteeve) and andrew.

* The shyest: I honestly don't know.. probably amber XD just because you get awkward around strangers (L)

* The weirdest: I do not know. ...

* Who has seen you cry: hmm... my mom.. my dad.. the nurse at the hospital a little while ago... an ex friend... jeannine.. Eric and Chris.

* Worst Feeling: Inevitable loneliness.

-------------FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT ABOUT GUYS---------------

* Boxers or brief: Breifs. Kill those sperms! .. boxers..

* Long Or Short Hair: K.. I'd like to start by saying EW!!! I DIDN'T KNOW .. HE HAD BRAIDED HAIR. It is to barf. BLECH. Secondly,
Long hair.. NOT EXCESSIVE.. like.. yeah.

* Six pack or muscular arms: Oh don't make me choose *drool*. Probably arms (L)

* Good or bad guy: uhh.. preferably bad.. but hopefully we can find a nice median? no? alright bad then.

* Hat or No Hat: no hat. hat=premature balding.

* Piercings: Yesh. But no penis piercings.. that's just.. vaguely disturbing.

* Tan or fair: fair (L) Tan only if it's natural.. and .. not all the time lol

* Stubble or neatly shaved: Clean shaven :)

* Rugged or sporty: Rugged biatches

* Accent or not: Uh, no thanks

* Tattoos: Love them!

--------FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT ABOUT GIRLS --------------

* Regular underwear or thong:
* Painted nails or not:

* Bra or sports bra:

* Cute n' mysterious or wild n' crazy:
* Dressy or casual:

* Dark or blonde hair:

* Dark or light eyes:
* Hat or no hat:
* Good or bad girl:

* Intelligent or average:
* Hair up or down:

* Jewelry or none:
* Tall or short:

* Curly or straight hair:

* Tan or fair:

* Freckles or none:

* Shy or outgoing:

-----------------FOR EVERYONE TO FILL OUT-----------------

* Silver or gold: Silver

* Have you ever gone skinny dipping: No, but I think that's definetely something I would do XD

* Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Yes :) My teddies from calgary the guys won me.. and now my jack the skeleton pillow! curtousy of Amber

* Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone: Nope. and if you've seen some of what I've done, you'd be amazed.

* Rain, sun or snow?: Rain :) *sigh*

* How is the weather right now?: Coldish. Dryish. Ickyish.

* Do u like Cookies?: .. what kind of question is that? Of coarse I like cookies you crazy twat

* What makes you happy?:Apparently MUSIC :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deep, contemplative thought, power, And my special people listed above :)

* Are u too shy to ask someone out?: someone specific? not right now. ever? no. haha.

* Finishing time: 2:31 AM .

P.S. Lex, I'M DEAD SERIOUS ABOUT THE MUSIC THING!!! BAHHH :D I'm going completely insane over this.
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