"Good things come in small packages."
Sure that's true when you're talking about a blue box from Tiffany's but generally small things are either expensive and neat or really not worth much at all. Moxie doesn't really fit either of those descriptions, but she is small so maybe there's something expensive or at least neat about her.
Moxie Pike, is no name for anyone, it's one of those stage names, the kind people give themselves when they really hate the name that they were given in the first place. She's no exception to that rule either. Her real name is, and if you call her this she will do everything in her power to knock your head off your shoulders (not that she'll succeed, remember the small bit) Kalliope Moxellie Pikalapous. Wouldn't you want to change your name too? Gotta love being Greek/Italian. It makes for -lovely- names that no one can pronounce.
Ontop of being blessed (or cursed) with a name that makes kindergarten teachers shudder to their toes, Moxie is a were-raven. Corax actually, it's a whole breed of them, one of many breeds of many animals on a version of earth that is really dark and depressing. World of Darkness indeed. Almost makes you want to grab your black eyeliner and slap it on.
Corax were made to be the spies of the Fera (aka shape shifters) they are light, they are fast, and they can fly. They can't really fight, sure they have some tricks and most of them nasty, but for the most part they are birds and like birds are very fragile. Their purpose is to fly in, get the skinny and fly out without getting caught. Then they hand the info over to one of the furry walking tanks and watch from a tree as the shit goes down.
Of course like most of the other species and oddites from her world there are a few..quirks to the Corax that Moxie has. Like, she can't shut up for one. It's a biological thing, she can not keep her mouth shut. And generally if someone asks her a question about something? she has to spill her guts. Or at least talk enough to distract them from what it was they wanted to know in the first place.
There's a story about that that is handed down among her people. See the Bastet, er were-cats were the first spies of the Fera, except they were kind of bad at it. Sure they got the info and were damned good at getting in and out of the situations to bring the info back, but like most cats once they got the dirt..they didn't want to let it go. So there go the walking tanks into battle not knowing jack shit about what they're going into and there are the Werecats, laughing their asses off at the whole damn thing. Gaia (the supreme mama of the were-beasts) got pretty pissed off about this and took away their job. Raven stepped up and said, hey can you think of a more perfect being to do this than us? And Gaia being throughly fed up with the whole situation said 'Fine you get it, go and spy' Raven being smart (sometimes smarter than he needed to be) argued for some considerations first. You know like not being allergic to silver like the rest of the were (Corax are allergic to gold instead) and the ability to pick which of their children will be shifters instead of random chance, and Gaia getting all impaitent was like 'Yes sure whatever you want now go and get some info fucker'. And just as Raven was about to step out and rub the cat's noses in what he'd done, Gaia remembered what the problem with the spy thing was in the first place and said..'But for all that I have given you, the price is that you will never be able to hold your tongue.'
So the Birds have been swquaking ever since. After a few thousand years they aren't even holding a grudge anymore.
See? look at this thing, fucking birds can't keep their god damn mouths shut. Anyways, Moxie is a Corax, and a pretty good one. She's also a Murders Daughter, and afraid she's lost the sun which is why she's here but those things are gonna take a long time to explain and who the fuck has that kind of time?
Any questions? IM someone.
Moxie Pike is a Orignal character and thusly is her owners creation. No stealy. However the pics are not of her, so don't try to sue her. She's not making money off of this.