[MyLittleSandbox] Played It - Cheese Snatchers (Käs

Oct 08, 2012 21:35

School holidays brings with it more chances to game with my six year old
daughter. I read about Käseklau! on Mark Jackson's blog aka pastor guy and
knew it was a game that would catch her imagination.

To play Käseklau!, five large tiles representing different rooms in a house
are placed in a circle. On each are placed six smaller face down tiles each
showing between one and three slices of delicious cheese. A cat starts on
one room tile, a mouse on another. Now the players roll two dice - a mouse
die showing 1-4 mice, and a cat die showing 0-2 cats. The cat and the mouse
move round the circle the number of spaces shown on their die.

If the mouse is alone on the new tile he takes a piece of cheese - and the
player MAY choose to take another turn, or they can choose to stop
and 'bank' their cheese. If the cat catches the mouse however the player
loses any cheese collected this turn.

Thus the player has the choice to play it safe or to push their luck. The
6YO seems to find this difficult to manage - several times she pushed on,
collecting six or more tiles (a game winning haul) only to push once too
many times and lose the lot. Stung by that she'd then play very
conservatively for several turns. She is graceful in defeat however and
enjoys playing - I'll enjoy watching her come to grips with a new game

As a HABA game I knew two things; it would be beautifully made and...
really hard to get hold of in Australia !

Fortunately the boardgamegeek page for the game also has photos of all the
components - which made it easy to create a homemade copy. While the pieces
are a shabby imitation of the original, and the dice have very crude
dad-graphics the game itself is fun - and was a big hit with the 6YO. A day
after our first play, she was making plans to create her own copy with new
graphics - the cat would chase a bird instead of a mouse through different
trees rather than rooms in a house.

That's my lil gamer girl !

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