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Jan 06, 2005 23:19

i want to go back with my platoon, i miss those fuckers. i really cant wait to get the fuck out of here and play with some cool shit and go out in the field for a while cause honestly there is absolutely nothing to do around here, the only people that want to ever do something is rich and dawn but dawns a hermit and doesnt like to go out and well me and rich never know what the hell to do sooooo boring shit, now all i got is ten more days to kill before i leave this shit behind. lynn sucks get the hell out of this place when u finish up school, in fact get the hell out of the state that would be even better, trust me people in other states are so much nicer than people are up here. today i was in fucking uniform with the corpral and someone screamed out get out of the way u fucking nigger to us when we were crossing the street( the cpl is black), that shit would never happen anywhere else. when i was down in georgia on my way back home we stopped to grab a bite to eat and every single person who saw me in my uniform stopped and congratulated me on becoming a marine, the people up here suck. im also just fed up with all the fucking drama u fuckers come up with , y the hell cant everyone just learn to drop shit and realize everything u are fighting over is fucking retarded fuck if it wasnt for the fact that everytime i want to do somthing that would be pretty fucking fun i cant because someone hates the other person who was going to go so we cant do it , i would be having a fucking great time home. some of u fuckers need to grow up and mature a bit and realize that right now is the best fucking times of your god damn lives it really is the only time when u can get away with just hanging out and having a good time so dont dwell over stupid indifferences because its all petty bullshit. i wish things were the way it was at the begining of last summer that was fucking sick there was not one day that i wouldnt want to live over again. i guess the marine corps made me realize how stupid all this bullshit is and that it doesnt really matter i mean honestly after my mos school is over there is like a 90% chance of my ass going to iraq probably not front lines but still just there aitting around waiting to be attacked and but u know what i know that everysingle person on that base with me has my back and i have thiers, thats the way things should be around here. not that i like every person in my platoon but i get along with everone,there is not one god damn marine i would ever disregaurd as a friend even the people i didnt like too much i helped them out everychance i could and they did the same for me. we put everything aside and can just chill and have a good time. in fact u know what next week is my last damn week here if u are a true friend of mine u will come out with me one last time with everyone, fuck if u hate someone who will be there i want to have one last good time with ALL of my friends before i go and if u cant do that than fuck u and all your fucking drama that u just cant live without, because as awful as it seems the next time u see me after im gone could be in a fucking casket, because i wont be home for a couple years atleast a year of school and a year of deployment overseas wherever the hell i get sent...............
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