
Feb 06, 2005 15:20

Bloody hell.

Li'l bit wants t'stay in Sunnydale, in case big sis Slayer an' everyone else who up an' went poof decide t'make a return trip.

Soddin' teenagers.

Well, can't blame her, t'be honest. S'pose she's got mates here. And it ain't like she's th' only one holdin' a candle in th' window. Blondie an' Twiggy, they're already tryin' t'figure out what happened so they can maybe flip it back.

Maybe Buffy an' the others're still floatin' in the ether somewhere. But it's not mine t'reason how or why, only mine t'do.

Li'l bit should be safe here. 'Tween Faith, Wolf Boy,' Finn...she'll be all right.

Peaches' ol' stompin' grounds, though...that place is bad enough even without all th' supernatural gobbledygook floatin' around. Figure I owe it to th' ponce t'keep up his neighborhood.

I'd never let him hear that, though.

'Sides, I promised those lawyer wankers a ways back that they hadn't seen th' last of ol' Spike. An' nobody can say I go back on my word.

Time t'head to Hollywood.
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