Thanksgiving. Ain't had much use for it th' past few dozen years. 'Cept for that time
Dru wanted a bloody turkey t'snack on.
Word t'the wise: Drinkin' turkey blood's like drinkin' dishwater. So don't, if y'know what's good for you.
Wanna know how nuts a day it is? A few years ago, back when I first got that chip stuck in my noggin, I was trussed up in a chair, watchin'
th' Slayer go batty tryin' t'fashion an edible meal for her Slayerettes while stavin' off a buncha pissed-off Indian ghosties. Thank you, no, I'll pass on goin' through that every bloody year.
Though it was funny when
Harris was cursed in his nether regions. Almost made th' day bearable.
So this year, I decide t'mind my own business. Stay outta the way. Let Buffy an' her mates have their holiday, I'd leave well enough alone.
Red's girl shows up at my door Thurday afternoon, all by her lonesome, with a coupla pints of butcher juice an' a tiny wad of cash. Said she just wanted me t'know I was appreciated.
I'm not used t'that.
So maybe there's a point to all this holiday nonsense this time of year, after all.
Gotta do something about th' soddin' turkeys, though. Aside from th' taste, it's an ugly damn bird, if y'ask me.