Thanks to everyone who sent me Christmas/holiday cards! They were all such nice surprises and I loved them all, especially because I didn't have a Christmas card post up this year and also didn't leave my address on any of the card posts I saw on my friendslist. So, thanks again! :DDD <333
Christmas was a nice quiet affair, like every year and just the way I like it. I spent Christmas Eve (the really important present giving day here ;D) with my mom and my brother.
Early in the morning we went to the TV studio where we picked up the Peace Light and then we had Glühmost on empty stomaches (like you do on Christmas ;P) and then we went to the cemetery to visit my dad's grave. Then there was lunch and I went home for a bit and later that day gift exchange and more food. And alcohol. Yay.
I got some very lovely presents; gift certificates from my mom and my brother paid for my Robbie Williams concert ticket. :D Also, a lovely knitted hat from
mabiana and a Hard Rock t-shirt from
saba1789. (She also got me a Hard Rock t-shirt for my birthday! One from Barcelona and one from Helsinki. <333)
On Christmas day we visited my grandma. Some of the other relatives were there too and it was quite nice. At some point old photo albums were looked at. I was such a
cute child! :D
I had to work Thursday and Friday, but now I've got a long weekend again. Yay. I'm still a bit upset that I have to work next week Wednesday to Friday, but what can you do.
Oh, oh! It's
Four Hills Tournament time again! Yay! The best thing that's happening in the last week of the old year and the first week of the new year! :D
They had the qualification yesterday and today is the first competition. Can't wait! Yay, ski jumping! :D
Also, also, Miranda is back!!!!! I'm so excited about this, you can't imagine! I've missed that show so much and now it's back and it's just as good as ever. I laughed so much! It was Sue Perb! :D
(But I really hope that Miranda and Gary get their shit together, because yes!)