I've got a theory, It could be bunnies!

Apr 17, 2011 21:03

It's time for an update, isn't it? Back to lists for this one, it's easier.

- I think there's a chocolate thief living in my flat. I want chocolate and it's all gone! D:

- I hope you all already noticed my new super-duper userhead! _bettina_ A Vulcan userhead! With thanks to the awesome, scolaro! ♥

- sperrywink, thanks so much for the lovely Easter card! ♥

- I started watching Sanctuary and so far I quite like it.

- Last week, everyone at work got an Easter egg and my co-worker and I decided that it would be awesome to draw faces on them. And then I took pictures and posted them on Twitter. And what happened then was probably the most awesome eggsome thing ever!

Thanks everyone for participating! ♥ And thanks to chani_atreides for compiling and cleaning it up. I feel the need to repost this in my journal as well. :D


skybs Eggs in love twitpic.com/4k9ua8 ... until they weren't. ;)  twitpic.com/4k9ua9

jardinjaponais Oh no! Eggicide!
tmzcori now the CSI egg team has to come and see if it was murder!!

skybs But will egg!CSI find any clues? Because the beat up egg has mysteriously vanished!

tmzcori Oh no :( The perfect murder! But ... there ought to be eggshells somewhere! *g*

skybs Oh yes, indeed. Will have to find eggshells!

tmzcori egg!CSI teams are very clever, they'll find everything! (except the Miami types ... they're just overly dramatic)
skybs Heh. The eggshells were dumped in the trash! It must have been murder! twitpic.com/4kalm6 tmzcori Oh nooo! Who can solve this cruel case? D: egg!Lewis? XDD

skybs The prime egg suspect has vanished as well! Can egg!Lewis and his trusted partner egg!Hathaway solve that mystery as well? tmzcori Oh no! It's a serial egg!killer. Oh egg!Lewis and egg!Hathaway have to be careful D:

skybs Very, very careful! Because it seems there have been at last two more victims! D:
tmzcori DD: maybe this is more a case for the BAU!!
skybs Profile from the egg!BAU: The egg!unsub is colored red, most likely hard-boiled, and doesn't shy away from brutal murder. tmzcori DD: That could be about anyegg!

skybs I know! D: Even the eggshell reconstruction of egg!Bones hasn't helped the investigation. twitpic.com/4kayt3
jardinjaponais OMG YOU GUYS! :D #eggciting
tmzcori eggcelent! xD
jardinjaponais So tragic :(

chaniatreides tragegg even!

jardinjaponais AHAHA INDEED! #tragegg AnneKatrinN But maybe it was only an eggcident? #speggulates
tmzcori xD no def not eggsagareted. Look at the evidence for eggsample
tmzcori Oh! Oh no! another murder! #eggmurdermysteries yfrog.com/gyqyibnj
skybs OMG! This has turned into an international murder case! Maybe even a conspiracy! The egg is out there! #eggmurdermysteries
tmzcori oh em egg! We have to be careful from now on #eggmurdermysteries
skybs It's a pretty convincing eggsample! There's no way it was just an eggcident.
tmzcori eggsactly! There are too many similarities between the cases! Dun dun duuun
skybs Finally a lead. Only survivor, but he's too scared to talk. twitpic.com/4kbcme tmzcori We have to get him to WitSec immediately! But tread carefuly... he might also be our unsub!
You might be right. He looks a bit shifty! tmzcori We need to intereggate him! He has to know something!

skybs After egg!McGarrett carefully intereggated him, he has now confessed to beating up the other eggs. He says he didn't murder anyegg! tmzcori Then how did they end up dead in trash? Someegg must've seen sth! It must've been someone very hungry!
skybs I don't know! I'm at my wits end. There's nothing. Maybe it's something... supernatural.
AnneKatrinN It's the end of the egg as we know it... it's Armeggeddon! D: tmzcori An egg!vampire? where are hunters when we need them? #savingeggshuntingthingseggbusiness
chaniatreides The Eggchesters come to ineggstigate the mysterious disappearances! http://twitpic.com/4kbmmd
eggselent! maybe they can find out what eggsactly happened here
jardinjaponais #eggmurdermysteries #crackingup #punmostdefinitelyintended
In an old book Sam Eggchester has found the tale about mysterious beings that like to eat eggs. Apparently this eggspecially happens around Easter.
tmzcori I saw one of those monsters in the bus! He was holding a egg hostegg!! I was magically shoved out of the bus though! AnneKatrinN These monsters are called 'hoomins' and like their viceggs to be.... colorful! D:

chaniatreides The satanistegg rituals include the eggs being cooked alive and then they are sprinkled with salt!
skybs DDD: That's horrible. But what can we do to stop that?
AnneKatrinN Hm. Unfortunately, the only chance we have is - an eggsorcism!! Eggchesters, help!
chaniatreides Eggsorcism. Regna terrae, cantante Eggo! http://twitpic.com/4kc1kl
skybs Did it work? Did it work? *is eggxious*

tmzcori Yay I think the Eggchesters did it \o/ AnneKatrinN Eggsome!! :DDD


We had some missed opportunities with "MeggGarrett" and "I've got a theory... it must be bunnies." but it was still very epic! :DDD

tv, twitter, silly stuff, i've got mail, personal, fannish stuff, friends, lj

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