Happy Birthday,
allaire! I wish you all the best! *hugs*
Haven't posted in over a week, there's not really much to tell anyway. Had a good long Easter weekend with lots of reading, playing WoW, sleeping and visiting the extended family.
My family's top topic is either my weight, which they talk about in a way they apparently think I can't hear them, or whether or not I have a boyfriend and will marry soon. Great. *rolls eyes*
Let's talk a bit about funny/weird glitches in Wow:
* For a few months I had this weird thing where the mobs died twice. I killed the mob, it died, then it was standing again just to dramatically die a second time. It was weird. And with certain mobs quite hilarious. Ever since I got my new monitor I haven't noticed it happening, though.
* Saturday I was leveling my troll hunter, when I accidentally fell off one of the bridges in Thunder Bluff. I resurrected (because no one ever really dies in WoW), but the health/mana bar still showed 0 health and 0 mana. I was running around with 0 health! Zombie! Whee! After logging out and logging back in I had my full health again.
* Yesterday, I decided to level cooking with my gnome warlock (it's quite boring killing low level beasts and tracking down cooking recipes!). I was in Darnassus and wanted to fly to Winterspring, but there was no flight master for some reason.
So, I took the boat to Auberdine, but half way to Auberdine the boat suddenly disappeared (!) beneath my feet and I landed in the water! I had to swim to the shore and ride to Auberdine just to discover that Auberdine also had a missing flight master. I was just complaining about all that to my guild mates (they lol'd a lot) when I got disconnected.
When I got back, I was back in Darnassus! At least the flight master was back.
But! My cute troll hunter is now 54 (2 levels on Saturday!) and my gnome warlock is finally a Grand Master Cook. Wohoo.