It's very hard to take yourself too seriously when you look at the world from outer space.

Feb 18, 2009 22:14

Happy Birthday, turps33! I wish you all the best! *hugs*

kriski, I got your postcard (Berlin Sudoku FTW!) and your little surprise of hot chocolatey goodness today! Thanks so much! *hugs*

I really, really loved the latest NCIS episode and it makes me wish that we got more boss!Tony episodes back when Gibbs quit (and wasn't it funny how everyone thought Gibbs went to Mexico again? ;-). Ah, Tony, I heart you. I loved that little thing with Palmer. Heh.

I'm not sure I'm so happy about the ending, though. The guy may have been innocent three years ago, but he isn't now. :-/

episode post, birthdays, fandom: ncis, i've got mail

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